I want to be able to use a large, clear bottle so that I can fill it up part way with corks. I know they have make your own lamp kits at Lowes, but I would like to add the option for a night light as well.
Nightlight like this
Bottle lamp like this
Is this accomplished by using a 3 way switch? I want to be able to turn the switch once to turn on the night light only, twice to turn on the main light only (or vice versa), 3 times to turn on both together and the fourth would turn it completely off.
What would be the best way to accomplish this? Thank you!
a 3 way switch would select one or the other.
two single switches would allow independent switching of both.
i dunno how they switch the night light lamp.
you need to get the night light and socket into the lower glass enclosure.
Yes, a three-way switch would work.
Pos 1: Lamp
Pos 2: Night Light
Pos 3: Both
Pos 4: All off
Look for a turn knob socket for the lamp bulb that has connectors for 3 leads. That is exactly what you are looking for.
The nightlight socket will have 2 leads.