How can I see all keyboard shortcuts for windows? Change languages?

I use keyboard shortcuts a lot, but I don’t know them all. Is there a way I can see all windows shortcuts?

Also, I have several friends who can hit alt + space to change the language of their keyboard (French, American, Chinese), do I have to download something to do that?

Windows keyboard shorcuts:
Microsoft website

The fine print says that that list is only valid up to windows ME

In my experience, they all work with WinXP as well.

[li]In XP, run Start->Settings->Control Panel->Regional Settings and Language.[/li][li]Pick the Language tab.[/li][li]Select the Details button.[/li][li]Select the Add button and select the second language that you want.[/li][li]Select the Key Settings button. This will pop up a dialog that lets you select what key combos are used to change keyboard languages.[/li][/ul]