How can I shut off my brain and get some *$&%$%#&#$ sleep?

I have this problem, too, and I’ve found that getting out of bed and doing yoga stretches on the floor in a completely dark room helps a lot. So does half a glass of Madeira. :slight_smile:

The curse of a creative mind. I know how you feel Eva Luna. Next time, try an orgasm. It works every time for me.

Now all you need to do is make a list of things you need to help you fall asleep.

Nordic Track
Index Cards
Essential oils
History Channel
Warm Socks

Oh no it’s not. After much experimentation, I have found that this one works like a charm.

The Drugged-Out Backpacker Game:

I went to Aberdeen for the absinthe.

I went to Aberdeen for the absinthe and Bombay for the barbiturates.

I went to Aberdeen for the absinthe, Bombay for the barbiturates, and Cali for the cocaine…

Etc. Remember, you must mentally recite the entire list of cities and mind-altering substances before adding a new one. I have no idea why this game is so soporific, but I have never been able to get even halfway through the alphabet.

Yoga works for me. It teaches you how to relax your body in general (if you do it habitually, during the daytime) and also gives you a way to do it at night if you can’t sleep.

Try the pose where you stand on one foot, with the other foot up on your thigh (so your legs look like a 4), and stretch your arms up. Your mind can still wander but it’s hard to concentrate on anything but remaining upright, and it stretches your body out nicely. (Don’t forget to switch legs.)

Now I don’t feel so alone, or like I need a shrink. I knew I was in for some trouble when work got so hectic recently I was getting nightmares similar to when I worked as a waitress. (ie. as soon as one task is finished four other crises pop up and there is no end in sight)

Thankfully, lately it’s just been the type of thing you’re describing.

Also, can I warn against the TV/radio? I end up getting some stupid melody/commercial/jungle running over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and- well you get the picture…

BBC World Service in an earphone. I drop off within 5 minutes. Without it, I suffer as you do.

Like a nice glass of wine, that’s one of those things which is much more enjoyable with company. Company that doesn’t require batteries is even better.

if you aren’t already familiar with yoga or other stretching exercises, here is a body relaxation technique:

while laying on the bed, concentrate on your body. conciously tighten up all of your muscles – clench your toes, tightnen your calves and thighs, make fists with your hands, just make every muscle all over get as tight as possible.

now relax, one section at a time. unclench your toes and wiggle them a bit. relax your feet and rotate your ankles gently. unclench your calves. wiggle your knees… you should have the general idea by now. (don’t forget to rotate your neck slowly to relax your neck and back.)

i used to have a little story that i’d “write” in my mind whenever i had trouble sleeping. (here’s your chance to write yourself into your favorite book/movie/show, or come up with the Sequel That Never Was.) it was always the same general plot, usually just one or two specific scenes. i’d just be refining the details and polishing it up a bit. the repetition of the same story, every time, starts to lull you to sleep after a while.

Decide on something simple to equate with sleep. I use the number “1”. Focus your mind on this thing just before going to bed and then try to keep a picture of “1” in your mind to the exclusion of everything else. If you find yourself drifting to other thoughts, consciously bring yourself back to “1”. This is a form of autohypnosis that works well for me if I’m having trouble shutting down. Unfortunately (like now), thinking about it always makes me start feeling sleepy.

Middlemarch - I used it in college when the mind raced, and I never got past the first chapter. Anything by Dickens workes for me too. Too many words = out like a light.

Have you tried white noise, like a fan set on low? KrustyKlown got me hooked on it.

If I have trouble sleeping in my bed, I’ll get up and move to the couch in the den. If I’m at a place without a couch, I move to the floor. I’m out in less than 10 minutes.

Eva Luna, I seem to recall you and I having this discussion during my last bout of insomnia, which has once again reared its ugly head. As the quick fixes are still not working, I’ve taken what I hope will be some permanent action. This book is not a quick fix, requires some work on your part, but is actually starting to help. Good luck. Let me know how it goes.

meet my best friend Trazadone say hello Traz “zzzzzzzzzzz…”

What’s so great about sleep?

I have two techniques…

One is I sing the “found a peanut” song in my head. I have never ever gotten past singing it three times without falling asleep.

Othertimes, I’ll design fantasy theme parks in my head. I usually get stuck on some tiny detail (like how the line to one of the rides is going to look or something) and it puts me to sleep…

I find the best way to get to sleep is not to care wether you get any.

If I can’t sleep I read. I might get sleepy so I’ll put the book down. If I still can’t get to sleep (after say 5 minutes) I pick the book up again.

I repeat that until (often) I fall asleep with the book in my hands.

I too am a terrible sleeper. I take a long time to fall asleep and I rarely make it throught a night without waking up at least once. Here are some the things I do:

  1. Don’t go to bed until you’re tired. This alone is probably the most important. If you aren’t genuinely tired, you’ll never get to sleep. If it means staying up later, stay up later!

  2. Reading is great. Pretty self-explanatory.

  3. TV works extremely well. Put on something kind of long and drawn out, like a movie. I fall asleep watching TV pretty much any time.

  4. Keep the bedroom for sleep. I see this has been mentioned by a few other people, and I think its very good advice. When I climb into bed, it just “feels” like sleep-time.

  5. This one is a bit odd…I kind of assume this weird, somewhat uncomfortable position. I’m on my knees with my hands covering my face (yes, like the stereotypical crying look) I then bend over and stick my hands/head into the pillow. I don’t know its due to stretching my muscles or maybe its just the actual maintaing of this position that drains my energy but this will quickly make me feel very sleepy. Once I start dozing off in this position I’ll assume my normal sleeping orientation. (PS. Probably not a good technique to use if there are people around to see it :slight_smile: )