How can this possibly be legal?

A URL in full glory:

Okay, so maybe they’re telling the truth, but I’m convinced this is too good to be true. Obviously, since there’s no way to figure out what exactly these scam artists are doing from their website, I can’t figure out what exactly they are up to. Perhaps someone else knows? How do these folks get away with it?

Umm…doesn’t this language in the ad

suggest that the reason they can afford to do it is because it’s a scam. Yes indeed, a scammy little scam designed to scummily scam credulous cretins out of their cash.

I don’t believe it’s necessarily a scam. Some companys, not necessarily this one, give away free cars.

However, these “terms and conditions” usually imply a beater of a car plastered with “EAT AT JOES” signs from hood to trunk. Basically, they give you a car so that you will be their moving billboard.

That said, this particular company looks a little fuzzy, as far as the car pictured and the “totally free” 25 dollar fee…

Laws people? What are the laws about such things? Are we saying here that there is no way to figure out what exactly the services this company provides are other than the nebulous “provide you with a list of companies”. What on Earth does that mean?!?! Isn’t the advertising fraudulent.

Also, there is no contact information for the parent company as far as I can tell (their “Contact Us” is simply for the online-billers, not themselves). Isn’t this fraudulent misrepresentation? Shall I contact their ISP, an attourney general, a better business buereau? I find this to be scumbaggery of the highest order.

Okay I’ll get off my high-horse and wait for a reasoned response.

Indeed as The grim said…I had a friend (a graphic artist at an outdoor advertising company) He drove a brand new volkswagen for 2 years… It was a rolling billboard for a tobacco company!!

He got tired of the obtuse looks and decided to quit… SURPRISE!!! the car wasn’t his…

This is a very old scam. All this company is going to give you is a list of companies that are looking for people. They probably got the list themselves from some publically available source.

You used to see small time versions of this in the back of magazines like Popular Mechanics.

Planes, trucks, tools, much more can be had
at unbelievable prices.
Find out how!
Send $5 to:

If you send the five bucks, what you’d get is a few mimeographics sheets of some government list of auctions upcoming. It’s legit - you got what you paid for. Sure, you could have gotten the information for free or cheap, but you chose not to.

Perhaps I should be more clear… what are the laws about companies that claim something is free and then turn around and charge? Isn’t that fraudulent? I’m not saying that they aren’t on the level with the driving advertisements and free autos… I’m simply saying that they’re misrepresenting their product and themselves.

I should point out that I stumbled over this site with a popupadvert I was trying to close but clicked on instead. It was characteristically flashing: “Free Car: No Catch!!!” It made my blood boil so!

In any case, I hope these people die a slow, painful death with their dishonesty, popup ads, etc.

The GQ is: when is an advertisement (ie FREE CAR: NO CATCH) becoming a lie in the eyes of the law? (As in, “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s the companies themselves that give you the free car, we’re just the middlemen, and we’re not free!” Blech!)

Ummm sorry I misread the original OP.

YES this is a scam… It can be accomplished… There are several companies that will pay for advertising space… Even on cars…But this guy is selling a scam like the maps to the movie stars houses in Hollywood…

Easy to sell stuff that is already available to the public??

If the ad runs along the lines of “FREE! … For $25,” then it might be difficult to establish that you’re being misled here.

…what are the laws about companies that claim something is free and then turn around and charge?

Where do you see a charge for what is purported to be free?

One item says “With a little know-how you can get a totally free car.” They want to sell you the know-how. They aren’t claiming there’s free know-how. I don’t see a contradiciton.

GaryT is correct. It is carefully worded to avoid anything directly contradictory:

  1. Get a free car … the companies on their list will provide you with a car IF they select you for such a program.
  2. Free Car Application Service – read it as “Free Car” (see #1)… Application Service. It does NOT say it is a “Free Application Service.”

Nowhere do the site hosts offer ANYTHING for free.

Okay! Okay! I concede: those sneaky b@+@rd really don’t specifically lie… but they are being misleading. I found another site that was much more straightforward in offering the same service:

With them I don’t have a problem because they are totally explicit about what they are doing.

Furthermore, I realize you haven’t seen the pop-up advertisement, but the thing was insidious, let me tell you. [Click Here for TOTALLY Free Car: No Catch] Really it’s not for a totally free car, it’s for a pay-for-view list of companies that offer cars wrapped in advertising banners. That’s far different from what they actually say.

What does “No Catch” mean legally? Can they get away with saying that there is “no catch”?