How come the sweetest dreams are always those of death?

How come the sweetest dreams are always those of death? How come during nightmares I don’t wake up, but continue having the dream? How come during good dreams in which I am seemingly happy I always wake up in a state of panic? I have had very lucid dreams since I was a little kid. I’ve never had them analyzed or been to a doctor regarding them. Now here is the kicker. A couple a months ago the dreams stopped dead. I couldn’t figure out why. I didn’t really think about until this morning, when I awoke after a really active dream cycle. I guess the dreams started again sometime last week. Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts or advice my ears are open.

One man’s honey is another man’s bitterest bile.

How should we know why you consider death to be sweet?

Maybe you’re the reincarnation of E. A. Poe…

Your question is based entirely on your subjective experience. It has no (factual) answer.

My sweetest dreams alway figure with me kissing an old flame who is suddenly all over me.

So, maybe the time has come.

Good. Save your money.