How Did That 45 RPM Record Revival wrk Out?

A few years back, the recording industry (in a fit of senility) decided o try to revive the 45 RPM vinyl record. Why they thought this was agood idea is beyond me-the audio CD had been fully established by then, and who still ad turntables (that ran at 45 RPM)? Anyway, did they ever sell these things in any significant quantities? are they still made?:confused:

Wow – never have heard a thing about this. Nothing at all.

Did this push have any kind of a profile? This happened in the 2000s?

Don’t know about the question, but I’ve got a box of old jazz and swing 45s that I bought at a garage sale, if anybody wants them.

There is a certain truth to the OP’s claim.

The Guardian - July 2007.

Oh perfect timing! I got a USB turntable for xmas…just in time to convert any vinyl I get back into mp3s, lol.

Even better timing - I 've been digitally recording a bunch of old 45s for later Ipod loading and just saw this thread.

Now playing - “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” (The Tokens).

And that’s some of the good stuff. Earlier I recorded C Company’s classic Vietnam-era song, “The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley” (hint: he’s the misunderstood good guy in this one).

45s will never die.
For one thing, I don’t have enough gasoline.

I didn’t hear about any revival, but I have had fun going through old 45s in my moms attic. I’ve also thought it would be cool to find and collect old records as a hobby like in the movie Ghostworld. The only people I know who are buying new vinyls are Djs.

I’d like to see a cite that the 45 was ever revived by ‘the industry’ (however that is defined), but it never died off in the first place. It died back instead, to a core market of audiophiles who insist they can hear a difference between vinyl and digital media. I’m unaware of any double-blind tests that support their claims, but the music industry isn’t run on logic so vinyl is still being pressed.

I have so much vinyl :(. Four copies of ABBA’s arrival is plenty. Fortunately I have storage space and a turntable.

I knew a few labels (mostly indies, I think) still do a few releases on vinyl, but I was surprised when I saw what appeared to be an LP of Chinese Democracy in a store.

I think my sister still has all our old 45s. I played them to death. I get a little misty just thinkin’ about 'em.

Yes, it’s true. Chinese Democracy is available on an LP.

Well, when G&R started recording Chinese Democracy, the 33 1/3 format was cutting edge.