How did the spelling and pronunciation of “colonel” get so far apart?

Simple question. How did the spelling and pronunciation of “colonel” get so far apart?


According to the OED, it started out with two forms “coronel” and “colonelle,” both meaning the same thing. Eventually, the pronunciation came from the first form, and the spelling from the second. The OED mentions that “l” sounds sometimes turned into “r” sounds (thus the “coronel,” plus the fact that it was connected to “couronne,” – “crown”). It goes on to say that “coronel” was the dialect form (spoken by the soldiers) while “colonnel” was used by the more literate. The “colonel” form was the spelling, since the literate determined the spelling, but the soldiers continued to use “coronel” --> “kernel” and it became the expected pronunciation.

While we’re in the neighbourhood, why is it that the Queen’s english would have us Canadians pronounce “lieutenant” as “lef-tenant” while those south of the border opt for the apparently more accurate pronunciation of “loo-tenant”?

AFAIK the “lef-tenant” pronunciation is also used in the UK, and also in Australia, New Zealand and most of the (non-US) English speaking world. I don’t know where or when the difference in pronunciation came from.

I don’t know either, but isn’t it pronounced “loo-tenant” in the Royal Navy (and possibly Marines) and “left-tenant” in the Royal Army and RAF?

Answering my own question:

“The word is pronounced L’TENANT in the Royal Navy, LEFTENANT in the Army, and LOOTERNANT in the U.S. Navy.”

Cecil Adams on Why is “colonel” pronounced “kernel”?

One possible solution to the “lieutenant” query is if the word comes from the Greek. “eu” (or, more accurately, [symbol]eu[/symbol]) is pronounced “ef” in Greek. When it was transliterated, it may well have been written as it looked whilst pronounced as it sounded.

“LOOTERNANT”? … I dont think so.

This page says:

This [Australian source]( Lieutenant_or_Leftenant.doc) also offers similar thoughs.

“LOOTERNANT”? … I dont think so.

This page says:

This [Australian source]( Lieutenant_or_Leftenant.doc) also offers similar thoughs.