So, I know* there’s two basic types of venoms: those that mess up your blood (e.g. keep it from clotting, trigger an immune reaction, make it coagulate, etc.), and those that basically eat away at your flesh.
How do animales with the second type of venom store and/or produce it without being affected by it?
*I could be wrong, but only in the number of types.
How does your body store flesh-dissolving enzymes and hydrochloric acid used for digesting food?
Venomous animals have organs/bladders dedicated to storing venoms safely. These storage organs form a barrier between the venom and the animal’s body.
There’s also neurotoxins.
I usually count to ten slowly, force a smile and then walk away.
If Dorothy Parker were still alive, I’d ask her.
So what is the best way to clean Red Bull out of your keyboard? Cause I really need to know now.