How do flat panel speakers work?

I got a fancy set of flat panel speakers with a subwoofer for my computer on X-Mas. I set them up and they blow my old speakers away. That isn’t saying much because my old speakers sucked. But they still sound really good.

Anyway, how do the flat panel speakers work? When I was setting up the speakers I figured out that the woofer does all the low end and probably most of the mid range work. But when I plugged in the two flat panels the sound became really full and lush.

Do the flat panels work on a reverse piezo effect? I know how regular speakers work but I don’t know jack about piezo stuff.

Help :slight_smile:


The definitive answer is: it depends. There are multiple flavours of flat panel speakers. Some are just “regular” speakers with the cone smooshed down to make a flat surface. Some are electrostatic, using charges to move the air and thus create sound. See for a simplified illustration of electrostatic speakers.

I was taught that the more air the speakers move the better the sound. Mid to Lower range of course. Seems to work for me.