How do I get back to a normal 404 error?

I want to see a plain ol’ generic 404 error message when I go to a URL that doesn’t exist. With my new computer, a Dell with all sorts of Microsoft monstrosities pre-loaded, goes to an msn search page when I type in a URL that it doesn’t find. I’m in the midst of doing some technical writing, and I need a generic screen shot of a normal 404 error. How the #!@# do I turn off this MS bull**** so I get the normal error?

Assuming you’re using Internet Explorer:

Tools | Options | Advanced,

“Searching”, select “Do not search from the address line.”

Yay! Thank you!

I had tried just about every other setting in the options… dunno why I didn’t try THAT one.

Another option is to use Mozilla.

Not really an option… as I said, I need this to do a screen shot for a textbook I’m working on. We’ve standardized on IE as the browser for screen shots, so I’m stuck with that.