How do I get my EX Back

Have you tried standing outside her window late at night, holding up a boombox and blasting Peter Gabriel?

Peter Gabriel?

No no. Here’s how you do it.

Specifically “In Your Eyes.”

(Having to explain a reference kind of takes some of the fun out of it)

Or Shock the Monkey, like Stan did on South Park. :slight_smile:

Well, I dunno. I punctuated a woman once, and she broke her colon.

Sorry, I never saw that one.

It’s an 80’s thing.

Send that bitch a smiley face.

Bitches love smiley faces.

What kind of skills do you have?

Now she has two semicolons‽

Moderator note:


I’m just going to be honest and a mom here. Let it go. It’s obvious that neither one of you needs to worry about serious relationships right now. Sweetie, let her go. You had some fun. 7 months is a great run for 16.

Give yourself some time and then date again. Worry about finding a life partner when you are older. Now’s the time to date around and learn how to deal with people and learn what you want in a relationship. You don’t have to have your forever girl now.

Heehee. That made me laugh.

As with anything you love, set her free. If she loves you, she will come back. If she doesn’t come back, then she never loved you.

Seriously, though, feign indifference to her; she won’t know how to handle it and if there is anything women can’t stand, it’s indifference. She will be compelled to regain your attention. Or not.

Thank you for all the advice you guys gave me. I’ll do the No Contact Rule and I’ll probably just let her go. She has seem to have moved on so i’ll do the same. :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

IMO it doesn’t work like that. Imagine you were just toddling along with your life normally, then you discover a long lost relative has left you a million bucks. You adjust to life with that million, start to enjoy yourself, then suddenly you get told there’s been a mixup and you have to give the rest of the money back. You are definitely going to be sadder than before you thought your life was going in a different direction from before. (Unless she was a psycho or a minger of course.)

I the OP sticks around, I suspect this thread will be linked to in the 2016 edition of the “Things I used to put up with from the appropriate sex”-thread.

She sounds like a little kid and you are well rid of her. Spend a few years reading books, getting friends, having experiences. Focus on being an interesting guy to date at 19 or 20, instead of trying to find girlfriends now.

Well, I agree with the people who said to let go, and I’m glad you’re following the advice, but you definitely get kudos for “being a fast learner” :slight_smile:

Damn! I always thought it was:

"If you love something
Set it free
If it loves you/It will come back to you
If it doesn’t – hunt it down and kill it."

I now understand those warrants better.

But seriously, eons ago I was in the same boat. The exact same boat. Except maybe for the boxing part. But now I can’t even remember the girl’s name. And there have been so, so many more since then, including the real love of my life for many a year now.