While this won’t be on the level of Scylla’s ground hogs, it is irritating me.
I screwed up my computer yesterday and, after three phone calls to Dell ended up doing exactly what my computer had been telling me to do all day: reinstall windows.
Ok, great, my computer’s working again (and, after another hour of fiddling, my ethernet), but now this ‘Discovering Windows 98’ has been starting up every time I turn on my computer. I’ve tried to get rid of it through deletions, playing along, hunting down it’s creator and killing him in the past, but NOTHING works.
Any clues?
I just had to reformat my hard drive, and the same thing kept popping up. But there is a little check box on it somewhere that says, “Don’t show me this in the future” or some such. It took me a while to notice it, just look harder.
A few of thoughts:
-Is the Windows CD still in the drive? It could be popping up because of autoplay.
-Is there a checkbox to show or not show this thing when it pops up?
-Check the Startup group to see if anything is in there (Start | Programs | Startup) If it is there just right click it and choose delete.
-If you are up for editing the registry there may be an entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run<fill in the blank>
No dice on the first three. How do I edit the registry?
Yeah, IIRC, it’s in the bottom left corner.
… ::blink blink blink::
… of the control panel? Not there, at least, and ‘find files’ is particularly unhelpful. I think I’ll dig through Windows help.
After class. Jesus, gotta run.
Registry Editor can be started by doing a Start -> Run and typing “c:\windows\regedit.exe”. Proceed at your own risk. If you understand how it works, it’s not terribly complicated, but if it you’re in over your head, do a Registry -> Exit and get the heck out of there.
BTW, I think Mr. Cynical was referring to the checkbox on retsin’s second suggestion.
Got it. The bastard’s done for. Mwa ha ha ha ha! I chose rightly! Screw you, microsoft!!
Dynamight. Works quicker, is better for frustrations and annoys the heck out of the neighbors and scares the crap out of Windows.