How do I make a police siren?

First off I’ll stress this is for a local amateur dramatics play and NOT for imitating a policeman. My wife is a member and has volunteered my good self to help out with props and stuff, and I’m pretty clueless on electronics.

I’m not talking about the actual siren either, just the revolving flashing blue bulb will do the job. Any tips greatly appreciated

Oh, and to all those who replied to any of my earlier questions thanks a lot, I had some technical problems after posting and couldn’t reply for a few days by which time the threads had dropped off the board.

IIRC you can buy one of those revolving lights at any Radio Shack. Or you could probably pick one up at a party store.

Go here.

Good metal ones for $25, plastic cheapies for less.

Thanks Peter, I’ve looked at their website but can’t find one on it. Bosda, it’s the flashing bulb unit I’m really after not the noise effect

Here you go buddy…

I did a google search for “rotating beacon” and “flashing rotating light”.

Hope this gets you started.

Siren is what makes the noise. The light is not called a siren.

An old-fashioned hand-cranked siren works on the principle of rapidly spinning holes of alternate sizes. I believe a hand-cranked siren can be made with two cans, one slightly larger than the other. Cut rectangular holes in the side of the larger can. Then, cut flaps in the smaller can and bend the flaps inward. Next, make a hole in the bottom of both cans so a crank can be attached and place the smaller can inside the larger one, bottom-to-bottom. Attach a crank and you’re ready to go!

Or you can try this if you want to make an electronic siren.

Jeff Olsen, you need to spin the siren way faster than you can ever spin iot by hand. The hand-cranked sirens have a multiplying gear.

In that case, go with the electronic one. :slight_smile: