How do I make the spoiler box?


We ask that you don’t use this method - ever. If you feel a compelling need to post hidden text, use the spoiler box. That is the only approved method for hiding text. There’s enough to keep up with around here even when it is posted in plain sight, or where we can easily find it. If we gotta also seek out a bunch of hidden little nuggets of text, we’re gonna be very unhappy with anyone doing that.

better late than never

Be advised that the Mods here don’t like us using invisible ink.

[spoilerx]blah blah blah[/spoilerx]

you are trapped in that bright moment where you learned your doom

Source please.

Weeeee I did a spoiler!

Just practicing.


  • blahblahblah * :dubious:
    No italics, huh.

Samuel R. Delany?

You could also do a spoiler like this:

Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman.

Yeah, but I don’t think the mods like it…

Also testing.

Aesop Rock and Blue Scholars tonight

Nobody does, but we have to face facts: there was nobody on the grassy knoll.

I just wanted to try it.

Testing testing

For those who don’t know, triple click on the black box to see the text.

[spoiler] is this right[spoiler]