How do I make the spoiler box?


Thanks in advance.

[spoilerx]blah blah blah[/spoilerx]

without the x

blah blah blah


or, without actually putting an x in…

wibble wibble my mother is a teacup

[spoiler]wibble wibble my mother is a teacup[spoiler]

or, without actually putting an x in…

wibble wibble my mother is a teacup

wibble wibble my mother is a teacup

µ ® @ dÆmon

for testing purposes

WIth BooBies that wobbLE!!!

WIth BooBies that wobbLE!!!

Lobsang - Since you like playing with colors and spoiler boxes, here’s a way to make a box-less spoiler box.

Spoiler: Highlight here-> Hit the Quote button to see how. <-

That’s exactly how I guessed it would be done, problem is, you have to know the exact colour, and it’s a gamble weither you get a dark post or a light post (as they alternate)

Like this? just an experiment

[spoiler]Hey shit, I didn’t realise the dark post/light post thing. Interesting.


I’ve never used a spoiler box before. I think it’s time I give it a try…

just testing


[spoiler] I just hadda try it too![/spoiler}

Oops! So, in that case,

Preview is my BEST friend, and so’s keeping an eye on my shift key!

Not any more they don’t.

I’m on Pacific time, so for me it’s always started at 1:30am and ended ~2:20am. But last night I think it was, I was able to continue surfing during that time; then the board shut down at I think 3am or 3:30.

So what’s the deal?

I thought that was a new thread!

I was posting in wrong threads all over the place the other day. It seems easier to do in this new vbulletin.
