How do I say I do not take bs from anyone

It’s difficult to answer this without knowing a bit more about your situation, but I think this could be a great question for Allison at She’ll often provide letter writers with a script; you’d want to send her a more detailed description of the situation, though. Take a look at some of the letters on the site for an idea of what she can work with.

No you don’t.

That’s the first thing you ought to realize: you don’t NEED to do anything here. You’ve got choices.

It sounds like he wants you to change how you operate. You think he’s an idiot. Fine. He may think the same thing about you.

So you’ve got some choices:

  1. Suck it up. Do things his way.
  2. Very diplomatically talk with him about how open he is to an explanation of your current procedure, acknowledging that he’s the boss, but saying you think there is some real value in some of the ways you’re currently handling things. Seek his input, make things seem like they’re his idea. Depending on your diplomatic skills, the quality of your reasons, his intelligence, and his ego, this will meet with greater or lesser success.
  3. Confront him and tell him you’re not gonna change, and be undiplomatic. Be looking for another job, straight up, you go this path.
  4. Quit.

JFC, get to the point!

(OP: see how easy that was?)

In all seriousness… if he is a new supervisor… i’d wait and try to handle things as best you can and not add to the list of people making complaints about the workplace

Just explain that you “don’t take bs from anyone” to the nice security guard as he walks you out the door.

Seriously, you’re going to tell your team leader that you don’t take any bullshit - and you then expect to stay employed? Doesn’t work that way in any company that I’ve been employed by.

Well, that clarifies nothing.

I find your phrasing odd.

“Don’t tolerate BS” means have no patience for irrelevant, time wasting, trivial things that don’t help with the matter at hand.

“Don’t fall for BS” means can tell when people aren’t being truthful and won’t be taken in by deception.

“Don’t take shit” means won’t accept any disrespect or improper criticism.

“Do not take BS” doesn’t have a clear meaning that I can tell. And as I’ve seen all of the above at various workplaces, I don’t know what you mean by “the usual workplace BS.” If you’d care to explain what you mean in specific and concrete terms instead of vague meaningless ones, I’d be happy to try to help.

You must talk to a psychologist. Here you will get lots of unprofessional advice.

Indeed over aggression can be detrimental, as can over compliance.

That as well +6 foot 238 pounds and very little fat, I actually am man of peace I just do not look it.

Just do you job as best you can and be professional and friendly. If your supervisor legitimately does not understand your job, help him understand it.

Crazy ideas, I know.

“Take this fertilizer shipment back to the shipper, we didn’t order it and I will not sign for it” has worked for me in the past.

“Mr. Lumbergh, do you have a second? I need to talk to you about something.”

“Sure, Slip… what’s on your mind?”

“I need to tell you that I don’t take BS.”

“Excuse me?”

“I don’t take BS.”

“By BS you mean… bullshit?”


“Uh, okay… um, what BS are you referring to, exactly?”

“The usual workplace BS.”

“Such as…”

“Just the usual workplace BS, in general. I just want you to know that I don’t take it. That’s how I function.”

“And who’s asking you to take BS?”

“Nobody. I don’t take BS from anyone. That’s how I function.”


“I just wanted you to know.”

“I see. Well, is that it?”


“Okay then.”


“Uh… bye.”

<5 minutes later, in Human Resources office>
“I just had a VERY strange conversation with blueslipper that was kind of disturbing…”

When should we start offering tips for job-hunting?

The next time he gives you BS, you him in the stomach followed by a rabbit punch to the jaw and say “I don’t take no BS from you or nobody. That’s not how I roll”. (Bonus business-appropriate points if you crack your knuckles while you’re talking)

After he recovers, he’ll like, totes respect you man. Totes.

(Note–this is the preferred business professional way of doing it. If you’re not so concerned with appropriate business technique, you’d kick him in the nuts when he hits the ground after the punch to the jaw. But that’s frowned upon in corporate environments)

Somehow I suspect that over compliance has never been blueslipper’s problem. :slight_smile:

“Fertilizer such as this is something up with which I will no longer put.”

That sounds like something out of a Hungarian-English phrasebook, right up there with “My hovercraft is full of eels” and “I will not buy this tobacconist’s, it is scratched.”

No one knows – only expert can give good advice.

I’m in a business role where I get a lot of bs from a lot of different people. I have found that a simple ‘no’ goes a long way.

When someone is telling me a convoluted story about how their work is late or they couldn’t get cooperation with their team, or other blather along those lines, I look them in the eye and say “no, I’m not buying that”. Then a wait silently until they either try some other story on me or tell me the truth. If the truth is still not forthcoming, I tell them what the truth is. Pure and simple. Because I usually already know.

People will work you as much as you let them. If you don’t want to tolerate bs, just don’t accept it when it’s lobbed in your direcction.

I am trying to think of a context that would warrant such a response and I can’t think of any. Maybe you can give an example?