How do I test a business idea without someone stealing it?

I have an idea for a business. I know who I need to ask to find out if it would be something they’d be intersted in as customers, but I don’t want someone better connected than me to turn around and go, “gee what a great idea”, set it up lickety split, and leave me with zilch.

I’m not inventing anything new, so it doesn’t seem like something I could patent or copyright. It’s basically setting up a convenience where none currently exists.

Is there a way to protect a business idea?

You can have people that you initially talk to sign a Confidential Disclosure Agreement. Then if they steal your ideas you might have some legal recourse. Also, try to only talk with people you trust. But in the end, if you have a successful idea I’ll be very surprised if you don’t have some imitators. Try to do a better job than them.

Yeah, NDAs are the way to go.

Heck, in fact I think I have one with Shibb’s name on it in file. No foolin’!

I wonder if anything I sign as Shibb will hold up in court.


It’s just a morning shower concept at this point - something I wish someone would do, then it occurred to me, what if I did it?

And I guess step one would be avoid too many double-entendres.

If someone can ‘set it up lickety split’, then that could happen as soon as you open for business anyway. Useful advice is more important at this stage than a few weeks head start on the competition.

Most people seriously overestimate the worth of an idea, and automatically assume it doesn’t exist because no one else has ever thought of it. Ideas are worth nothing. It’s the execution that counts. Everyone who has ever had a shower has had these ideas. How you follow through will determine your success.

Hee hee hee hee heh.

At a minimum, this is the genesis for almost all great businesses…one person having an idea.

But in my experience 99%+ of people never spend the time to properly explore the marketplace and move from ‘idea’ to ‘execution’.