How do I transfer photos from Mac to I-Phone?

I have a jpeg file on my Mac desktop. I want to transfer the file onto my I-Phone, so that I can send it in a picture message.

Sounds simple, huh? Common sense says that I should be able to plug in the phone, use it as a portable hard drive, and just drag the file across. But apparently Apple has no common sense.

I guess I have to use that god-awful I-Photos software, but I can’t work out how to do it, and Google isn’t helping me.

Any ideas, folks?

Common sense says you should be able to use your phone as a USB jumpdrive? No, no it doesn’t.

If I needed to transfer one photo from my Mac to my phone, I would use Dropbox or email it to myself.

Detailed instructions are here:

You don’t have to use iPhoto if you don’t want, that page tells you how to sync photos from a folder.

For the record, I Googled “import files to iPhoto”.

ETA: though I see you can also do it without using iPhoto. So choose yer poison.

I guess you work for Apple :wink:

Other brands of phone, such as HTC, show up as a portable HD when you plug them in. On the whole, HTC phones are pretty user-unfriendly, but transferring files onto them is a piece of piss.

And come to think of it, I’m pretty sure that I-Pods show up as a portable HD…

Thanks, that did the job.

(So…you transfer photos using the music software… :confused:)

Thanks, but that didn’t cover how to get the photo actually onto my phone.

Sorted now though.

…said the guy who wants to look at a picture on his phone.

It’s a portable computer that happens to be capable of telephony. There’s nothing odd about expecting to use standard file transfer protocols on a portable computer. Unless it’s made by Apple, apparently.

We just did this a few weeks ago.



If you have an iCloud account and you activate Photostream then photos you add to iPhoto will automatically show up on your iPhone.

maybe try iPad File Explorer

This is what I do to get pics from my blackberry to my kindlle fire.