How do I turn Safe Search off on Google?

Oddly, this phenomenon does not occur in older browsers, or at least in one older browser I still use. A Google image search for “lesbian daisy chain” will turn up radically different results in Opera 9.64 than it will in a modern browser.

If you search for “lesbian daisy chain porn”, the sexy stuff comes back on the newer browsers. The key is make your search explicit, no pun intended probably.

If Google stops serving up pron even when you ask for it specifically, that’s when it’s time for tar and feathers IMO…

I go to, which still uses the old system.

BTW: the results for lesbian daisy chain are just too damn silly to be titillating.

Not any more apparently. They’ve made “Safe” Search mandatory everywhere. I’m mostly using Bing now. At least it isn’t going to filter out images of Venus because that’s the name of some stripper somewhere.