How do I type Superscripts

If I want to display “4 squared” I could type in “4^2”
but some wouldn’t no what that means.

I have seen some math equations where the superscript (exponent) is where
it is supposed to be.

How do they do that?

It can’t be done. See? 4[sup]2[/sup]

Hint: “quote” my response and it will show the code.

Unless you want subscript.
That would be 4[sub]2[/sub]

¿que hora es?

Sorry, I thought you could subscript and superscript using extended ASCII codes, but there is only a square code ²

here are some neat ones:
╚╬╬╬ ■ ¥ █ ▄ ▓ ▒ ░ Ω

whatever! Find you an ascii table (here is one: , then press and hold the “alt” key on your keyboard while you punch in the code, then release the alt key.

I don’t understand the question.
What time is it? My teenager spanish is pretty rusty.

4[******sup]2[/sup] equals 4[sup]2[/sup]

There’s a guide to the markup codes here.

I think the “About This Message Board” forum might have gotten you a better answer sooner.

Madness To My Method
That is an okay website you posted for ASCII symbols (if you like squinting). However, IMHO a better site is
It is a page on my website.

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