I used to live in an apartment complex in Georgia where most of my neighbors by the time I moved were Spanish speakers. I won’t say they were all illegal, but I’m positive at least one family was- when the father was arrested for a d.u.i. the entire family was deported. The odd thing is that when I moved into this apartment complex (which was neither luxurious nor a slum but a pretty solid middle-class 1970s-ish complex) I know for a fact that the office checked my credit, my employer, and my previous landlord.
How would an illegal alien lease an apartment? Most have no money, none have valid SSNs, most have no driver’s licenses, they work largely for cash, they can’t have much by way of credit and the like- how do they find places to live that aren’t privately owned or cash only places.
For that matter, how do they buy cars? Even if they have the cash you still have to register it which in most states requires proof of insurance which in all requires a driver’s license and DLs require birth certificates or proof of citizenship/resident alien status (don’t they?). How do they enroll their kids in school? How do they do anything that requires official paperwork?
I recently got a car placed in my name that belonged to my mother four (4) months after I paid the *@#$$*ING thing off because of all the red-tape and paperwork problems. (I literally had to, among other things, get a form notarized that said T. Jonathan Sampiro and Thomas Jonathan Sampiro was the same person (the fact T. Jonathan and Thomas Jonathan had the same address/dob/SSN could have just been coincidence) and the same for my mother- that Blanche L. Sampiro born 9-10-1934/died 08/19/2006 in fact was the same person as Blanche Lampton Sampiro born 9-10-1934/died 08/19/2006, and I had to have all manner of documents faxed from the finance company, signed and notarized by my sister (the estate executrix) stating that the estate released its hold on the car and that the monies I paid it off with were my own, and then (I kid you not) that when she signed Katherine S. Meredith as estate rep on the transfer paper that she really was the same as Katherine Sampiro Meredith on another form I’d had to fill out. Now if I, a legal citizen transacting legitimate business, have to jump through this many hoops to get something as simple as a car title in my name, how in the hell do illegal Guatemalans register a car or get a license or any other type of official documentation?