Apollo 15 landing site imaged from an altitude of 25 km allowing an even higher resolution view! The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) is parked to the far right, and the Lunar Module descent stage is in the center, LRV tracks indicated with arrows [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
I am curious what the deniers say. Can deniers ever be convinced?
On a side note, if you want some real fun if you ever go to visit the Kennedy Space Center in Titusville, Fl walk up to every employee you see and say the following:
"Excuse me, can you please tell me where the building is that contains the sound stage where they filmed the moon landings?
The NASA employee starts to roll their eyes, to which you say (In a very low whisper):
“I know they are watching. If it is that big building on the right, blink twice”
The range of responses you get is amazing. From “Oh, you’re one of THOSE”, to completely cracking up the NASA guy. Good Times, Good Times …
How would they explain these images? Quite simply: “They’re fake.” Conspiracy theorists cannot be reasoned with. Any evidence put forth will just be claimed to be part of the conspiracy as well.
Yea, if someones convinced themselves that the entire Apollo missions, which involved hundreds of hours of video footage, tens of thousands of people and billions of dollars over two decades were faked, its a little silly to think that a greyscale image of a white dot that’s supposedly the landing site taken by the same agency that ran the original program is somehow going to awe them into belief.
They flew them there later. They dumped them out by automated vehicle and arranged them to look as if we’ve walked on the moon, which we still haven’t done yet.
Oh sure, it’s fun and games as long as long as Buzz Aldrin isn’t within earshot. Of course, Aldrin’s violent reaction probably just confirms their conspiracy theories. I am reminded of Monty Python: “Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!”
Aside from debunking their arguments one by one, I’ve always thought that the best evidence for the truth of the Moon landings was that the Soviets (who had a vested interest in denying the landings) apparently didn’t dispute it.
Agent 1: “Let’s fake a moon landing.”
Agent 2: “But we’ll still need a massive rocket, right? Or else people will know it’s fake.”
Agent 1: “Yes, but think of all the other costs we can save!”
Agent 2: “What’s the majority of the cost?”
Agent 1: “Well, admittedly, it’s the massive rocket…”
Totally shopped. What are those letters and arrows doing on there?
Seriously though, there’s nothing you can do to convince them. Even if you could take a denier to the moon and show them the site, that you can take them to the moon now doesn’t prove that we went then and, they just planted that stuff there once we really could so we could keep up the lie.
Not only is that photo fake, but the spacecraft’s software was obviously hacked and those things photoshopped in. The people at NASA would obviously be trained to believe the moon landing actually happened so they won’t even look into that possibility.
So they are blinded to any evidence contrary to their false belief that the moon landing actually happened, and if they won’t even consider anything to the contrary they must be wrong.