This is rather odd. I discovered recently that I don’t chew the same way that Ardred does.
When I chew, I take a bite of something, smash it into one side of my mouth (between cheek and teeth) and chew bits from that, swallowing as I go. Often, I will switch sides, but I still do the same smash and slowly destroy on that side.
Apparently, not everyone chews this way. Who knew?
So, how do you chew? Do you smash and destroy? Chomp the whole thing at once with various toothy surfaces? Smash the food against your front teeth with your tongue? What?
I don’t make a habit of noting how exactly I chew food. At least not to the level of detail you use. However I do know this… I do all my chewing on the right side of my mouth. This is because I lack chewing teeth on the left side (but there are still enough teeth there to accidentally bite the inside of my cheek. See the BBQ Pit for that)
I dread the day when I don’t have any chewing teeth. One of my vices is food. And part of the joy is chewing.
Oddly back around 2nd grade (say 1977) some school psychologists took all us all individually to a room and asked us which side we primarily chewed with. I told them I chewed equally with both sides. They refused to take that for an answer. I was stubborn even at an early age, and I stuck to my guns (or is it gums?) and insisted it was an even-chewing proportion. Don’t know why that memory’s always been stuck in my mind.
Anyway, after many years of reflection, I believe I primarily chew on the right side, but a pretty good amount on the left. 65/35 favoring the right I’d venture.
Oh and I’d say rip with the front, then send it to the molars on the right for proper mastication. (I said mastication)
I chew most of my food on my right side but, most importantly, with my mouth closed.
[sub]If only someone could teach my coworker this little trick[/sub]
Rip with the front, mash on the right. Unless I’m eating something sweet–there’s some kind of weird sensitivity issue going on on the right side right now, so that stuff goes to the left.
I chew without talking!
Mostly as the OP described for me though. Warm items on the right, anything cold on the left. I have a tempermental filling on my right which does not respond well to cold temps. (Pun intended)