Like anything you have to live it to understand.
And I think there are differences in “mental health” that leads to confusion.
For instance, in the past I’ve suffered from panic attacks. This is a mental health problem but it’s NOT the same as being bipolar or having schizophrenia.
It’s like having a cold versus having pancreatic cancer.
And I can see both sides to the coin. Having had panic attacks I can sympathize with people who have them, but I can also get frustrated at people who aren’t really trying to help themselves.
And when you express that frustration you get criticized. But the harshness is needed. I also had a bad fear of flying. I lost out on a lot of great opportunities because of it. I am over my fear, I don’t like flying but I can do it. But no matter how bad my fear was, and it was intense, the fact was I still had to get on that plane. You can’t get over your fear of flying without being afraid on that plane.
I disagree with the word sympathy. I don’t need sympathy, I need understanding.
For instance, I was the IT manager of a hotel and they put me in charge of the Business Center too. I hired a person who had a stroke and she has some limited movements. I told her, “I understand you have limits, but since I’m not around much you have to tell me when you aren’t able to do something. I will be happy to accommodate you. But otherwise, I’ll assume you’re OK.”
Now this business center was closed at lunch and the lock to the door was near the floor (it was weird, I know). People would say, “Mark you should go down at lunch and help her. It takes her like five mintues to bend over and lock the door…”
I told them, she disabled she’s not an invalid. Any other time she has had difficulty doing something she asked me for help. And I’ve always helped her.
This is the difference, between sympathy and understanding to me. I’m not gonna insult her dignity by assuming she can’t lock that door. She can, it just took her a bit longer.
And I think with mental health problems we have too many enablers. You MEAN WELL, but aren’t doing anyone any favours in the long run.