How DO YOU Picture God?

Ever since I read the thread on Andy Kaufman I kinda picture him like that: someone who created a vast joke that only he gets.

Like what?

I don’t get how those pictures prevent you from making any Lovecraftian Jokes.

No wait, HERE’S Satan!

And HIS lackey…

I’ve always thought Charles Darwin looked remarkably like God.

A bad tempered, old guy that looks like Richard Harris and who sleeps alot. Which is luckly for us.

Or god is a guy in a KKK suit.

Nelson Muntz, laughing at me and getting ready to boot me off the planet.

I’m not sure She even exists.

A Sauvastika.

With a flaming eye in the center.

How do I picture God? At least 1200 dpi. :slight_smile:

Well, she’s black.

I can’t seem to picture God as a man in any form, actually. However, in scripture He is described this way:
As I looked, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took His seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool.

Daniel 7:9

I recall a dream I had when I was a tyke. I went into the fellowship hall at my Church, for a potluck dinner. Mom was carrying me.

God was there. He was, oh, I dunno… 30, 35ish. Dark hair. Moustache. Glasses. In retrospect, sort of what Ned Flanders would look like IRL, but not as dorky.

God was very, very happy with me for singing the ABC song.

God, hmm, a sparkly essence in all the things around me.

Satan, hmm. My ex-girlfriend. Or vice versa – hard to explain.

Which one? Could you be more specific, because I picture most of them somewhat differently.

The Creator is not subject to comparison to anything a mortal can conceive. Muslims usually don’t need to form some visual image for Allah, but are content with Hu’s Signs.

We gots Quranic verses to that effect


I picture God as a pure, white light shining through everything.

And, yes, I’m a Christian.

I can almost guarentee he doesn’t look like this:

Well, I don’t exactly believe in its existence; however, if it* does exist, I think he’d be kind of like a big cloud of energy and colors (looking kind of like the pictures of far away universes).

*“It” is used as opposed to the traditional “He” because I think of it as having no gender.