How Do You Pronounce "Podkayne"?

I think you meant to send this as a PM to him, since the title and OP specify “How do you pronounce Podkayne?”

Robert Heinlein died in 1988, I believe.


You could ask him but he hasn’t been active since late 2006.

how is Heinlein pronounced? Hineline? Hanelane? Haneline? I am confused.:cool::confused:


Pssst. #11

Note to self. Replace glasses

Last I looked, he was pronounced dead.

Yes. So you’re a tad late in requesting that he respond to you.

Holy. Crap. I read Podkayne of Mars when I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL. And here it is turned up in my golden years. where else on the whole of the internet that I wander would I see this, but here??

I’ve always heard it as “pod-KAYN.”

<momentary hijack>Katniss is a plant, not a word that Collins invented. Fits with Primrose, another plant/flower name. There’s a reference in the first (I think) book about her father showing her where to find the plant, and if she always knew where to find herself, she’d never be hungry.

Pretty sure he pronounced it “Cha-Ching!” all the way to the bank.

The fuck?

Heinlein wrote for a living, sure. But it’s very clear he cared about what got published in his name.

So it doesn’t bother you that Heinlein decided to name one of his female characters “Wyoming Knott”?

Heinlein had the sense of humor and the discipline to only have one character ever comment on her name being “Wy Knott”, and that character being a self-aware computer trying to fathom the mysteries of humor. But still, that name seems calculated solely for the purpose of being outrageous.

Umm, I thought Dejah Thoris was from Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter series.

She was. That’s the inspiration for his naming a character Djah Thoris (“Deety”) Burroughs (hint, hint) in The Number of the Beast

Ahh, OK. I never got around to reading The Number of the Beast.

Where people using “Dakota” back then? Doesn’t seem that much of a stretch from that, to non-american ears.