I get the feeling that sentence was uttered once or twice on this beach.
holy crap.
“On parasta päästä helvettiin täältä”?
(Thanks, Google Translate!)
Was that because of the volcano or is this a regular occurence on Finnish beaches?
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
Not with a bang, but a cold front.
The video seems to have been lifted from a recurring nightmare I had throughout my childhood–in my dreams, it was always a nuclear war, and we were always on the beach. We didn’t speak Finnish, however.
Someone just summoned an Elder Storm Elemental, I hope they all have good saves.
The universal sign language for “let’s get the hell outta here” is given by the rapid waving of your feet as you disappear into the distance.
Followed by cartoon noises
Wow, that is really cool and strange at the same time! I am taking a trip to Finland here in a couple of months and I will be on the lookout for ominous clouds.
We don’t get storms like that usually, this was really anomalous. Was funny reading the Facebook updates of my friends who lived on the storm’s path, they were along the lines of “waaaaah God is smiting Helsinki!”.
And I’d translate “We better get the hell out of here” as “Eiköhän lähdetä helvettiin täältä”.
I’m amazed!, incredible!, astounding!, unbelievable!.. I had no idea there are beaches in Finland.
I was expecting to see at any moment a stamped of wild animals out of the goods running for their lives.
Around 0:31 it sounds a hell of a lot like that woman says “Oh, shit!”
I live five blocks away but I was actually in our summerplace during that storm. I was looking at the storm from the door when a tree fell on the house. Scary stuff! Must have come a branch first as a cushion, so little damage. Remains to be seen if and when we’ll need to replace the roof. We lost five trees, last week-end was spent sawing and much of this will be, too.
We’ve had three storms of the century this summer, weird.
That’s ironic because ALL my nightmares are in Finnish! :eek:
Awww…they must’ve cut off the part where Sauron appears.
…wearing swim trunks, with a surfboard under his arm. “Where’d everybody go?”
I think it’s ‘Holy Shit’.
In what sense? And how formally?
Meidän on painuttava helvettiin täältä; informal, specific group of people.
Although in a situation like that, it would be more common to use;
Nyt helvettiin täältä; informal, passive.
Or go with a:
Täältä on päästävä helvettiin; formal-ish, fourth person semi-passive.
Or to translate it as literally as possible;
Meidän on parempl lähteä helvettiin täältä; formal (written), specific group
(By written I mean like someone saying “It is preferable that we depart from hence to hell”)
…why you ask?
What, the welsh steal all your consonants?