How do you write a letter O?

Clockwise? Counter-clockwise? One side, then the other?

Yeah, silly question, but humor me. When I was playing a game on my tablet, an ad popped up and the hand on the screen made the O the opposite of how I do.

For the record, I was taught counter-clockwise, and that’s how I’ve always done it. Except when I’m lettering on wet clay (I do pottery) in which case I’ll make the left side top to bottom, then the right side top to bottom.

Counter-clockwise, the way I was taught in penmanship in school, back when that lost art was still taught.

I had to grab a pen and paper. Counterclockwise

Counterclockwise. I make zeros the same way. They look pretty much identical to me.

Counterclockwise starting at around one o’clock with a little curl inside the top of the oval.

Hmmm. Now I am wondering the correct way to write counterclockwise. Or counter- clockwise?

Our good friends Mr. Merriam and Mr. Webster would tell us to spell it without the hyphen (Counterclockwise Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster).

As far as the survey goes, mark me down as another counter, the way I was taught all those years ago.

Counterclockwise, unless I’m doing calligraphy. Then it depends on the hand.

Counter-clockwise. I’m right-handed, in case that’s of any relevance. Don’t remember learning it (first grade was clear back in 1975-6).

Around the time I was taking programming classes, I developed the habit of putting a slash through 0s to disambiguate from Os.

Vertically, in the sagittal plane. Some people say my Os look like Is. But, that’s just P|PPYC|CK!

Otherwise, I write my Os counter-clockwise.

I buy my Os from shady characters on the street.

Actually, I write them counterclockwise, but I actually had to stop and write one to be able to answer; it’s not something I already knew. (That is, my hand knew it, but my head didn’t.)

Counterclockwise, starting at the top.

Zero likewise, but in contexts where it matters (e.g., computer software design) I slash the zero after writing the loop (top right to bottom left).

I do that too. I also put a dash through the middle of my Z’s to avoid confusing them with 2’s. I think for a while I also did the dash through my 7’s but stopped doing that at some point.

As for the OP - yes, counterclockwise from the top.

I was about to answer “clockwise”, because that’s how it seemed in my mind’s eye, then I wrote a little, and found I actually draw counterclockwise also.

As a side note, a colleague of mine, perfectly bright guy, but once when writing a number like “8788” on a whiteboard, he wrote all the 8s as two Os stacked, and therefore took ages to write the thing. This was an American colleague, so I am wondering if this is a common way to write 8s in the US?

I’ll usually write an 8 with a single figure-eight motion. But if there’s some reason why I would want to make sure the whole thing ends up looking nicely rounded and proportional, I prefer to stack a couple of Os.

Clockwise. But then, I’m a lefty.

How do you write the letter O?

  • Clockwise
  • Counter-clockwise

0 voters

Thank you - I couldn’t figure out how to make a poll…

Not in my experience.