Is it true that over the past 100 years, dozens of Americans have been killed by molasses?
If so, was the actual cause of death due to suffocating on the molasses, or were they caused by intense heat?
Is it true that over the past 100 years, dozens of Americans have been killed by molasses?
If so, was the actual cause of death due to suffocating on the molasses, or were they caused by intense heat?
Well, I suppsoe most are attributable to the Molasses Flood:
Well the Great Molasses Flood of Boston in 1915 killed 21. I’m sure there have been other industrial accidents.
Curses! Same link too!
Anyways, another 21 were killed in another flood in Mississippi in 1932. Read about it further down on the page.
The OP is talking about periodic explosions in molasses storage tanks, these resulted in deadly floods.
One case in Boston in 1919 killed 21 people. (
Of course a person can drown in any liquid, but in the case of molasses we also need to consider its weight. A wall of molasses can knock buildings off of foundations. Such force could kill anyone who was pinned against a solid object.
Although molasses seems harmless, put enough of it in one place and you have a serious industrial accident.
I bet a diabetic or two out there might have been killed by ingesting molasses…
I was completely unaware that the anuses[ani?] of those cute, ubiquitous insectivorous mammals were so dangerous. How many do you need to generate a flood of mole-asses?
I don’t have a precise cite, but I would bet that workers at sugar mills, as well as field hands, have died from accidents.
As they dragged the gooey mess that was Clem, out of the molasses pit, someone asked what the hell did he yell FIRE! for, as he was falling in.
Well, says Clem…if I screamed MOLASSES as I was going under, who would have run to my aid?
Has John Kerry announced his stance on molasses?
I had not heard of molasses prior to reading this thread. I initially thought it was a miss-spelling of mollusc.
I’m guessing you could choke on a mollusc. And if a mollusc tank exploded and a flood of molluscs washed over the streets, there’d be injuries for sure.
You haven’t heard of molasses? I guess you don’t bake? Ginger cookies (soft ginger or ginger snaps) use molasses and I LOVE to eat them drizzled on warm biscuits that are spread with butter… yum…
wonders if she has molasses and biscuit makings in her cupboard
I think I’ll be a little more wary of them though! Who knew they could kill like that?
No, I don’t bake. Would it have a different name in Australia? My dictionary says that golden syrup is a paler version of molasses, I’m familiar with golden syrup, just hadn’t heard molasses before.
I’ve seen both molasses and golden syrup in supermarkets here in Sydney. Molasses is heavier and darker than golden syrup.
Treacle is pretty similar, if not the same thing.
I’m surprised nobody has come up with the obvious answer:
“Very Slowly!”
Always trying to dodge reponsibility around here, aren’t we?
Everyone knows that “Molasses doesn’t kill people. People do.”
It is a reaction between the reducing sugars and amino acids/proteins (Maillard reaction), which is exothermic, which causes molasses to go wrong.
Because it is exothermic the stuff heats up, viscosity decreases and rate of reaction increases. Thus you get a run away reaction and molassess all over town.
I am surprised 1920’ssdr has not heard of molasses. It is very different from golden syrup - except thay are both sweet syrups. Molasses is a concentration of all the shit that is collected of the outside of the raw sugar crystal, whereas golden syrup is an invert syrup - made by getting sucrose syrup and breaking it down into fructose and glucose by adding invertase and warming it up.
I’m familiar with treacle.
I guess I just haven’t had the need for it and so haven’t looked for or seen it at supermarkets.