How does the Cold Heat Soldering Tool Work?

It’s the soldering tool that you can solder in one instance and then immediately touch your skin and it’s cool to the touch so you don’t burn yourself. They really don’t seem to say that much on their website other than:

Thanks in advance

I haven’t tried them, but here is a wild guess. I’m guessing that the tip is a pair of probes, forming an open circuit. When you touch the solder or a wire, this closes the circuit, allowing curent to flow and making it heat up. These probes may have some sort of thermal insulator on them (except for the very end where the gap is). That’s about how I would make one. But, it’s just guesswork on my part.


Anyone used the new “cold heat” soldering iron? Did you like it? Seems amazing!

Actually, this may suprise you, but the answer IS, in fact, magic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, it uses some kind of induction thingy. I asked about it too, let me see if can find that thread…Here.

Only two responses though. I have seen the commercial, and I can tell there is a little spark when it makes contact, so probably what enigneer_comp_heek said: a mini-arc welder. And, since it melts solder by electricity, not heat, the tip doesn’t have to get itself 100% completly up to temp, only the very ends where the spark are actually get warm, AFAIK.

I do want one, though, cause it is DAMN cool.

I have one. The secret is the soldering tip is a ceramic composite, not metal. It does not work like a mini arc welder, that would destroy many electronic components such as transistors and diodes. The tip reaches about 450 degrees in about 5 seconds with fresh batteries then takes longer each time it is used. I used mine to rebuild some speakers and the batteries lasted about 15 minutes before they had to be replaced. The tip is impossible to tin like a regular soldering iron which can make soldering small or fragile components a pain. If you are into soldering electronics, I would suggest sticking with an inductive soldering tool.

Thanks for the information guys. I appreciate it.