Well cheer up, most of the information in politics are not facts but rather subjective opinions that can neither be proved or disproved.
What is common as in AP stories, they give 1% facts, and 99% opinions. Or what you are trying to do seek out facts in a third party narrative—good luck to you.
I mean come ON! Politics and facts—you are out of your mind to even try.
And what is your standard of facts, is that metaphysical or physical? Are you using preponderance of the evidence or beyond a reasonable doubt?
Are you using truth (facts) by authority or first hand observation?
Or are you going by the average method? Example: a car accident at a corner with a signal light; the cop ask two witnesses standing together what was the color of the light. One said it was red and the other said it was green. So the cops writes down the light was yellow. Do not laugh; it is done all the time. That some where in between fact, right? Ha.
How about analogies, you know tell a true story, and relate it to your assumed fact—so the true story confirm the assumed fact? Ha that is silly but done all the time.
Or how about additions and omissions— like you would know right? You know the devil is in the details and the context. What half of the truth do you want? The other half is top secret so I cannot tell you, so just believe!
Then we can move on to definitions of words and that great game to play, where a politician makes overly broad statements and you fill in the blanks with your own words—now that makes sense to get to the truth, HA.
You could write a book on this crap, OH that is right, many have and made a study out of it called Formal Logic. They quit teaching Formal Logic in US high schools as it showed the teacher to be a dummy puking out propaganda. Accordingly ignorance is bliss. Ha ha.
Of course people love to go by their emotional intelect that never is wrong.
But when it comes down to it, if no one agrees with your facts, them baffle them with bull shit, and call names, that always gets to the truth. Some people get real good at it like Obama— so how is that changey thingy working out for you; you find a job yet?