How fast do farts travel?


In the left lane with their right turn blinker on the entire way,

[dylan]The answer, my friend,
is blowing in the wind
The answer
is blowing in the wind[/dylan]

10 feet per second. That’s not so very fast. So I guess when I claim to be “tootin’ up a storm”, it’s even less true than I thought.

Parting salutation: May the wind at your back never be your own.

I believe they’re called “Farticles”

I don’t know about fighting ignorance, but it’s been a gas.

Just because you didn’t notice them doesn’t mean they weren’t there, Andretti.

Yes it does.

Fake as hell, but funny.

I’ve always wondered what the volume of an average fart is.

This question was also asked in this thread from a few years ago.

Velocity of Flatulence.

I don’t kn… AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa…!

Band name?

So I stay in the stink and vapor
Some SOB used all the paper!