I’d be horrible. I have absolutely no tolerance for the “games for games sake” politics at the national level.
If Ted Cruz and the Tea party ever tried to hold the budget hostage on me I’d not only shut down the government, I’d close the ports of entry for cargo and people, suspend FAA ops/ground stop the airlines, stop sending social security checks, turn off the power at the Capitol and make them meet outside on the lawn under a damn tent. AND I’d be on national TV twice a day reminding everyone which party and which individuals are trying to throw out the Constitution and hold them hostage. I’d use terms like “The people of the United States don’t give in to threats and intimidation. Ever.”
I’d make it so bad no party would try it again for fifty years and they’d recall Cruz and every Tea-tard that supported him.
It’s not about winning. It’s about not playing fucking games in the first place. :mad:
Hate that stuff. Hate it so much. And this is the important part, regardless of party. If the D’s try the games, I burn their ass to the ground too.
National Security:
I’d make energy independence the number one national security concern of the US.
Repurpose NASA, give them and DoE 35% of the defense budget and tell them to come up with renewable energy sources (biofuels, solar, wind, hydro) and a distributed power grid.
I’d reform social security:
If you’re physically able to work and can’t get a job? You just got a state job picking up trash by the side of the road (or whatever) at minimum wage.
If you’re on Aid to Dependent Children or WIC? Yeah, you have mandatory Norplant (and whatever is the reversible male equivalent for babydaddy). We have a responsibility to help you, and we will, but you also have a responsibility not to increase our burden. Further, once the child is of school age? It’s time for you to get a jobby-job (or go pick up trash at minimum wage).
I’d let people contribute up to 150k a year in 401Ks. Hell I’d make 401Ks completely transferable.
National health insurance. Done.
Caps on legal damage awards for anything besides criminal gross behavior or negligence. Lawsuits are not a way of life. Done.
Mandatory confiscation of homes, property and assets of persons convicted of financial crimes and mandatory prison time in Pelican Bay or other maximum security prison. Fuck you Goldman-Sachs. Done.
Weed, legalized and taxed like a mofo. Done.
Pain meds, no limit on a Doctors discretion unless a crime has been proven. Done.
Assisted end-of-life at terminal patients discretion. Done.
Term limits at the state and federal level. Say 18 years total in any combination house/senate. One term limits for governors (works well for VA). Done.
Constitutional REQUIREMENT for a balanced budget with a maximum 40% “rainy day fund” unless Congress declares war.
I’d be impeached within hours.