How has the disgraced former President Trump pissed you off today?

I was thinking the current administration would accept his help with thanks then set up a phone conversation with a Putin-mimic and a “Russian” translator. Just think of what a gold mine that would be.

I suppose it would be entrapment, though.

I’d rather have Dennis Rodman do it.

Done! Said negotiations to be held in Moscow.

Then revoke their passports.

I think that Putin thought that Trump would get re-elected. And not give Ukraine any help. Trump was already mad at Zelenskyy because he stood up to Trump. So Trump tried extortion. That didn’t work either.

But the wheels were already in motion for the Ukraine invasion. He could have stopped it but didn’t. Just like Trump, his ego arrives 20 minutes before he does.

Trump thought that he could make it up to HBFF by stealing top secret documents. Or Putin directed him to do that.

It may be an idea that Trump came up with on his own though. Trump is a cheat, a criminal and liar. But also really, really stupid.

My take is that Putin expected now that thanks to the economical unrest in the US, in part as a result of the war, that that would get the Republicans and Trump back in power.

Really, after Trumpfinger called Putin’s invasion a ‘genius move’, every American should have dumped him.

And Putin’s main man Tucker Carlson is working this angle pretty darn hard.

In 2019, when Individual 1 visited Japan, orders were issued that the USS John McCain had to be out of his sight.

PLEASE make him wear the starfish.

It’s only entrapment if you use it as the basis for an indictment. It’s fine if you just do it for the lulz.

Exactly! All you have to do is say, “It was a JOKE!” like the Republicans do when they pull shit like that.

This is a GREAT idea, BTW. We have some Russian speakers on the board…

The grifter-in-chief continues to beg for money.

Tucker Carlson is the Tokyo Rose of the 21st century.

ETA: Maybe more Lord Ha ha.

Trump’s at his beach house in the middle of a hurricane to avoid being questioned in a class-action lawsuit. He so tuff and manly! :roll_eyes: :baby:

Dear God, if You ever wanted to smite a certain former President with lightning…

Baghdad Bob?

Naw, the Russians have that pretty well covered.

…financial collapse (rest of the headline)

After being scraped out of the White House and deposited back at Mar-a-Lago, it didn’t take long for Donald J. Trump to begin holding for-profit events that looked and sounded a lot like campaign rallies but have, in fact, been nothing but personal cash grabs. Donald likes yelling his grievances at a live audience; if weird and sedition-friendly Americans want to pay Donald to complain at them inside sweaty arenas with other like-minded masochists, Donald’s going to take the money and yell the things.

…Sure enough, the “American Freedom Tour” has been failing to pay its bills, canceling events, and leaving speakers not named Donald Trump wondering if they’re ever going to get their money.

The Washington Post brings us that news, and it’s filled with the sort of details that really bring home what a thoroughly Trumpian operation this thing has been. American Freedom Tour is the company that’s been organizing these Trump rallies, and the Post reports that Donald Trump personally appears to be getting paid his full amount for every appearance. The same isn’t true for the company’s “vendors, investors, and employees,” as the company cancels events and promises everyone that the money’s coming real soon now.


Naturally, Donnie makes sure he gets paid, but stiffs everyone else.

Okay. I’ll eat a little crow on this one. Selfless TFG has once again put the needs of the less fortunate ahead of his personal pecuniary interests by putting together a PSA that pleads for donations to credible disaster relief organizations to help his fellow Floridians who are suffering so much damage at the hands of Ian.

Or … back here on planet earth … HE’s begging for money again:

There’s just never any bottom with this guy and his clan.

If you’re doing business anywhere in Trump’s orbit and you’re not insisting on every penny up front and waiting for the check to clear before you so much as lift a finger, it’s your own damn fault at this point.

Not a chance. Dealing with Trump, I would expect even cash would bounce.