How has the disgraced former President Trump pissed you off today?

Ursula would obviously be the better fit.

By physique, temperament, hairstyle and quite likely gonads, agreed.

Ursula is half octopus. :thinking:

And the CFSG is known for being rather handsy…

Well, AIUI the original mermaids were actually sightings of manatees - and Trump does bear more than a passing reference to a sea cow.

Sea cows everywhere raise their flippers in protest.

Has the dreaded autocorrect struck again? I speak of perhaps “resemblance” instead of “reference”?

And may I add, “Burn in Hell” to how pissed off I am today for Mr. Loser still wasting oxygen.

Or I’m an idiot - I really need to proof read, but I like blaming auto-correct.

Especially this one.

The Bible says, that as Jesus was dying on the cross he looked heavenward and asked: “Father, why are people so mean?”

Wouldn’t they be salmon?

I can’t say I’d be disappointed if he dissolved into sea foam. Except that there’s more than enough pollution in the ocean as it is.

Yes, I know Andersen tacked on a happy ending where she became a spirit of the air. Just leave me my fantasies, m’kay?

Your fantasy is that she died? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :smile:

Trump ends by turning into a fart, that’s appropriate.

'Twould be a foul wind that blows no good.

This is really unbelievable. Except it’s Trump, so anything is possible, in his mind.

If Trump had an IQ bigger than his hat size, I would think he is trying to set up an incompetent/insanity defense.

Well, we all know he is incompetent. But… I. Don’t. Care. It’s prison time.

But, but, but, he had such a perfect phone call with Zelensky!

“To open negotiations lets all sit down and sign an accord laying out the common ground that all sides can agree on. Namely that we all want peace and that Hunter Biden hid Hillary’s emails on a Ukrainian server. to steal the 2020 election.”

Trump could partner up with Tucker Carlson to negotiate with Putin. What a dream team! NATO would certainly love to have them on board right?

What could possibly go wrong?!?