How has the disgraced former President Trump pissed you off today?

Why doesn’t he just publish a book of all his tweets?

Because the aggregate contradictions would create a singularity large enough to swallow all of creation?

(No, that wouldn’t stop him. But the fact that he wouldn’t be around to profit from it might.)

I think Trump’s self-publishing will go very well, just like his attempts to create a conservative-pushing social media platform.

And the steaks. And the university. And the casinos. And the Trump spring water. And the Airline. And the game. And the magazine. And the travel site. And. And. And.

The man is a cornucopia of failure.

It’s only a “failure” if you assume that the intent was to have a viable business. If the intent was to get lots of investors roped in, take a massive personal payout right at the beginning and then let the business fail, they’ve largely been successful.

Trump is a terrible businessman but a skilled con artist.

Great…now I’m always going to picture Trump as Max Bialystock.

I could totally picture him yelling at Don Jr “NEVER PUT YOUR MONEY IN THE SHOW!”.

And he never does.

The money IS the show. Or the show is the money?

The business, or political campaign, or lawsuit, or whatever, is the show. Play it up as the bestest thing ever, squeeze the rubes for every dime you can get, take your cut up front and then be out the door with the money before the whole thing collapses into a pile of debt and chaos.

It’s almost impressive in a criminal, underhanded way. The US government as run by P.T. Barnum who is both a sucker and bilking suckers like some type of greed-cannibalism or an oroboros of BS.

Oh course. That book will never be published, it will forever be two weeks away from release, until the company goes bankrupt without ever having shipped any books. A legitimate publishing house would never let him get away with it.

The people that are forever starting these conservative business have no clue as to what’s involved with whatever business they’re “disrupting”. Want to start a social media company to take on Facebook? All you need is a spare bedroom in your condo, a $999 server from Office Max and two part-time high school geeks. When the business fails it’s because you were persecuted by liberals.

Like the Freedom Phone fiasco…….the company’s founder compared it to world peace, because Irs easy to run your mouth about it but practically impossible to actually deliver on your promises…….even if all you’re promising is a cheap $100 phone for $500 bucks or so……but if you buy one, you’ll own the libs.

I’m only posting the one link, but if you need some humor today, do a search on the reviews for this piece of shit.

But I betcha they’ll have a *lot * of paid pre-orders when they file (oh, but the money’s gone because of “administration costs”, so sorry…).

I’m pretty sure they took full payment in advance for the 70K-100K (depending on whose numbers you believe) copies they have already sold.

They have no incentive to actually publish the book.

OTOH that might just be a bulk buy by some Trump crony to get the book onto the bestseller lists, like they did for Don Jr’s book. Can you get onto the lists without actually publishing the book?

I was going to post a link but the book is listed as sold out, but last week you could go to the we site and —buy and pay for — a copy. I’m pretty sure that they took your money as soon as you gave them your credit card number.

Do you really think Trump couldn’t con 70 thousand people into buying his fake promise of a getting a big beautiful book……someday?

It would not surprise me if there were fine print that signed you up for a monthly donation. Tiny text, yellow or pale gray on white background.

In two weeks.

Well, of course.

Drunk Uncle Donald crashes another wedding:

The deeply insecure Trump spends most of his time at his Mar-a-Lago resort where he is treated like a king. And when the venue hosts a wedding, it is simple for the former president to crash it…

Ron Filipkowski posted a video of speech, captioning it, “I know Trump claims he doesn’t drink, but he sounded even more like a drunk uncle at a wedding tonight than usual.”

During the speech, Trump whined about Joint Chief of Staffs Milley, calling him a f*cking idiot…

And yet there are still those out there who are willing to die for this cocksucker.