How has the disgraced, CONVICTED FELON, former President Trump pissed you off today?

Conversely, I remember telling my parents about Obama back when he first appeared on the scene in 2007 (as a Doper, I was much more engaged with U.S. political news than they were back then). After explaining his somewhat unique background, my mom suddenly laughed and said, “Why, he’s about as black as I am!”

There is the scene in the musical Showboat where the female star performer is arrested for miscegenation, and her husband cuts her hand, sucks in some blood and then swears that the marriage is legal because he also “has black blood in him.”

He took as much racial shit as someone with two black parents so I think it is safe for the left to hold him up as an example of a great African American.

I suspect that as someone of mixed race, he probably took more racial shit than someone with just Black parents.

It doesn’t matter how you identify, it matters what the people walking toward you think your identity is.

Not forgetting the use made of the “sheep” and “goats”:

Somehow it always turned out that white people and White Culture and white-whatever were “on his right hand” and others…well, you know.

Yeah, I know. Of course, race had not a thing to do with that bit of Scripture until the racists decided it did.

Right, Monty; that’s the annoying part.

I thought I was the only person who posted Almost Live videos here!

Did you know the guy in the sunglasses was nominated for an Oscar?

I grew up watching Almost Live. Bill Nye will always be Speed Walker, and Joel McHale will always be the “new kid”.

Bob Nelson? Yeah, for Nebraska. Also, he went to the same high school as my parents in-law; they knew him in school.

My wife’s coworker (she works for King County) used to be a producer on the show back in the day, and appeared in a couple of sketches too.

Heel. Toe. Heel! Toe!

There was also a game show parody called Who Killed JFK Today? that I always think of when people start spouting conspiracy theories. Nye’s theory was that Kennedy was killed by a tiger.

Pat Cashman did a podcast recently catching up with all the cast members and sharing some behind-the-scenes stories. It was interesting.

The hypocrisy, it burns:

And see: Five Times Donald Trump Has Bashed Pleading The Fifth | MTP Daily | MSNBC - YouTube

Yabut, the people he was bashing were guilty. He wasn’t talking talking about true patriots!

Or idjit sons.

On a side note, I’ve just gone down a Google rabbithole on “pleaded” vs “pled”. Apparently “pleaded” is preferred. Huh.

In my experience, “pled” is much more common, but YMMV.

So what’s the past tense of “tread”? Would it be treaded or tred?

