How has the disgraced, CONVICTED FELON, former President Trump pissed you off today?

At $5/piss, we could balance the National Budget in…carry the 3…a month.

If we assume the average piss plus zip-up time is 30 seconds, that means $5 per piss translates to $600 per hour (about the same as a good lawyer). Perhaps it’d be better to put one in each city, along with hiring truckers to ship the collection each day to the grave – that way we’re not only earning money for the country, but creating jobs! If we assume about 10,000 cities in America, that translates to $6 million per hour, maybe enough to put a dent in the deficit.

Allowing for personal space and splash that comes from uncontrolled laughter, you could easily fit 8 males around the grave. Put up some privacy screens, sell disposable pee funnels for the females who haven’t mastered the art of vertical urination and you can really get some flow-thru (as it were.)

Ah, the golden showers of perpetual national condemnation….

On the other hand, given the amount of gas and BS inside Donald, he could literally burn forever. That might solve energy shortages all over.

I think you’d get millions willing to pay $50 per piss.
Or auction off the rights and you’d make some serious cash


The people who need to pee on him the most are the people most screwed over by the orange bastard. Keep the price in range for the whole family, no matter how disadvantaged.

Good point. You’re right. Making money should be secondary. The primary goal is catharsis.

And the appropriate expression of contempt.

Nah, we can scale it up quite a bit, I think:
Hundreds of Porta-Johns equipped with a pipe instead of a tank. All the pipes can be plumbed in to one big pipe that empties on the Eternal Urinal.

Efficient, but it lacks the personal touch. I don’t want my urine to be part of a solution made up of millions of parts that is piped away to eventually be deposited at his place of disposal. I want to PISS ON HIS GRAVE!!!

Big difference. :stuck_out_tongue:

There should be an epitaph:

“This Tomb Contains the Earthly Remains of Donald Trump, Empty Bladder of Hot Air”

( speaking of which, while you’re here, won’t you buy him a drink…? )

The government can send a yellow card to anyone on public assistance.

A warning?
A vaccination record?
A prostitution permit?

A pee card.

I got it. Just had to mention the other yellow cards. :wink:

It also serves a a check for proper hydration.

“You have to pee this light to enter this attraction.”

Then you can sell people who fail bottled water at 1000% mark-up. And let’s not forget the t-shirts!

I don’t think you damn progressive weenies should be nanny stating my hydration levels! Personally, I’d prefer to donate a dark, yellow, asparagus-y pee.

The Eternal Dilemma: Quality vs Quantity

Well, now you know why I never ever respected Riker.

But do go on…