How immodest is this?

I’d like to officially propose Knead’s Law[sup]*[/sup]:

I base this on exhaustive research. Well, OK … I looked at the last 20 threads here in ATMB that mentioned “sig” in the title and had OPs intended to be sig tests. I found that 50% of the time, the OP fell victim to Knead’s Law.

Am I too pathetic for words, or what?

[sup]*[/sup] Originally proposed as a corollary to Gaudere’s Law, before I realized there wasn’t any money in writing corollaries.

I’d add in posters who want to make a point with their sig. and say the following.

See the sig.

and then forget to click the box :smiley:

Guilty, but grateful I’m not alone.

Should we start some sort of 12-step program?

I think you’ve been beaten to it already…

Actually, I think that it’s not because most posters necessarily forget, but when they preview their post the sig box becomes unchecked.

Well I’ll be dipped in sh!t. I humbly withdraw the proposal and profusely apologize to Enderw24 for stealing his idea.

Isn’t that part of why they are testing their new sigs. What the hell else is there to test about it?

Let’s see???

A penny saved is a penny scorned. ping, ping, ping! TEST FAILED!!!

Which highlights the ultimate irony of the whole endeavor: sig tests are completely unnecessary. When you change your sig, it changes on every post you’ve ever posted, so you can change it then just go look at a post where you used it. Didn’t come out like you thought? Go change it and come right back to the same post.

Oh, well. Whachagonnado?

I wouldn’t say you were pathetic for wanting a law named after you, but why this one? Pick a more universal law, like “25mph in a school zone”. I believe that one is still unclaimed :smiley: