How is anti-wokeism different from sexism and/or racism?

Please don't reply, off topic {WE?}

I don’t understand why you are asking this question. Is it because of true ignorance or is this rhetoric? I ask because this question is only helping to convince me that progressives have taken their eye off the ball so badly, they don’t even remember what the ball is. And now are demanding others do the emotional labor of explaining it to them. Yes, I know this sounds stereotypical “woke” of me to say this, but come on! When woke was originally coined and used in a non-pejorative fashion, it actually referred to the opposite of what you’re exhibiting with this line of questioning.

But here you go:

Way back in 2022, women lost the right to federally protected abortion access. Since then, 13 states have banned it. This wouldn’t have happened if conservatives hadn’t been willing to put in the time and effort to work the democratic process. Progressives (myself included) could have done the same thing but we didn’t. We got complacent and let ourselves think having the best words on the internet was enough. Now, progressives are crying about cause and effect, as if what happened is not simply a predictable consequence of democracy in a nation that is half conservative.

The right to abortion was only the most important pillar of women’s rights since women’s suffrage and now it ceases to exist in this country. Progressives failed to put into motion any effective legislation or grassroot campaigns to prevent this from happening. We are largely to blame for this outcome and I see little evidence we’ve learned from this mistake. It takes introspection, humility, and self-awareness to do that, but this is what modern day “wokeness” cannot tolerate. Absolutism was mentioned earlier and it’s spot on: we have to believe Dems did everything right, the GOP did everything evil, and anyone who prefers a more nuanced appraisal is a global fascist (or some other pejorative that is too unhinged to engage with).