"How is Babby Formed" is gone!

I was just going to show the original Yahoo Answers question to my daughter, to demonstrate how atrocious the general quality of content is on there… and it’s gone! “This question has been deleted”


Of course it hasn’t really gone away, as it’s copied everywhere, and it’s in cartoon form, etc, but still…

I am truely sorry for your lots.

Did they do way instain mother?

So how DO girl get pregnat?

You cannot get pregnant through oral sex ( unless you are a catfish!!)


on the other hand, Yahoo! Answers is rife with enough clueless and stupidity so you’ll probably find something even worse in short order.

I love this meme… it makes me Let’s go to the quarry and throw shit down there.

Beautiful! What puzzles me no end is how Yahoo! can make noise about being an internet authority and have as much prestige in the search game as Google and yet tolerate the level of inanity those “answers” contain. Baffling!

Is there any more stupid display of uneducated blathering than those and the comments on YouTube?

Every once in a while, I search in vain, hoping someone captured the glory of the original thread.

You see, the original thread had several posts that gave easy-to-understand truthful & helpful advise, assuming the questioner was a young person or someone with poor English-language skills in search of necessary knowledge. Those posts were marked down. Instead, the one marked as most helpful was “They need to do way with instain mother…” That, in turn, provoked an enraged post which beautifully took the poster to task for marking down the helpful answers while rewarding the irrelevant semi-literate post. It was a delight to read. Yet it is gone.