How is Doocy vs. Psaki playing in the right wing media?

I often see on left-leaning news site and social media items about how White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is taking on questions from Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy. Most of these articles talk about Psaki “schooling” or “stuffing” or “destroying” Doocy, and describe Doocy’s questions as uninformed or in bad faith. As much as I, a dyed in the wool leftist, enjoy that narrative, I have to wonder how these encounters are being played in the right wing media. I doubt that Fox News would dedicate broadcast time to Psaki giving a logical point-by-point takedown of their own correspondent, when there are other things they’d want to show.

Would anyone who follows Fox, or other RW outlets, know how this story is told, if it’s being told at all. Thanks!

I’ve seen certain YouTube channels where the commenters seem to think Doocy is the one that owns Psaki.

I am currious if Doocy get’s any airtime on Fox. Or are they just using him for the viral vids on social media?

Just read the comments, you’ll get the idea.

I don’t watch RW stuff, but I imagine this is like presidential debates - unless it’s blatantly obvious that one side destroyed the other, both sides will crow and claim victory. There’s no scorekeeper to tally points, after all; each can claim to have won by 3 touchdowns.

Indeed (although no one is “destroyed” by these things). The right-wing media promotes the narrative that she lies and waffles (lots of references to “circling back”). The rest of the media…don’t.

I absolutely hate these click-bait style headlines that promote an us vs them mentality. Everyone: STOP CLICKING THEM!!! This goes for both us and them. Just knock it off!

Hey, don’t look at me.I didn’t even click on this thread.

Replace “unless” with “even if”.

Thanks, everyone! I kinda figured State TV would play these encounters differently. Sad.