How Likely is It that Trump will Try to Proclaim Martial Law?

Here’s some informed theorizing by a former Navy intelligence officer. If correct, this tends to argue against your typical MAGA-hat, but is even more disturbing.

Well, for whatever’s it worth, I’m a former Army intelligence enlisted person, and I don’t find his “informed theorizing” very persuasive.

If it was a “probing attack”, what was with the warning broadcasts? I can’t personally think of any terrorist attacks, ever, that came with that kind of warning. The IRA would sometimes call in bomb warnings ahead of time, but that was itself part of the terror campaign. And those bombings weren’t infrastructure attacks.

This really seems to me like a personal grudge, maybe against AT&T, rather than a deliberate infrastructure attack, and even more likely an elaborate suicide.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Just for my own assurance - did you actually complete Intelligence 101? When you say ‘Army’ do you mean the ones with uniforms and guns or were you in the Kiss Army [not that there’s anything wrong with that]? Are you using ‘former’ in the sense of having been something and are now not, or in a special tense, known only to you, to mean never quite got started?

I only ask because Sydney Powell clearly didn’t and look where she’s ended up - being considered for a job in the dying days of Trump’s presidency. I’d hate to have that happen to me.

Modnote for Banksiaman. No way around it, that is a straight out insult. Do not insult posters outside of the pit. Please don’t do this again.

Please be careful, maybe include a smilie in the future. I clearly understand why the post was flagged and if not following the Powell stuff, easy to mistake this for an insult.

We’re still looking at a plan like this:

  1. Take down the infrastructure
  2. ???
  3. Trump gets to stay in office

Okay - straight out apology to GDave and the Board if this was not read with the intention it was written in.

Since GDave provided solid critique on Sydney Powell’s military intelligence ‘informant’ in another thread I was leveraging off that to be witty. I guess it was too obtuse and if offence was taken I regret that and apologise unreservedly.

That’s pretty much how I would guess the view of a MAGA supporter if it does turn out to be them. Not saying I think that’s who it is, there are too many flavors of crazy out there to narrow it down at this early stage, but if it does turn out to be them, the above is exactly how they would be thinking.

@What_Exit, I disagree with this warning.

Discussion in ATMB.

In more detail, I think the “thinking” goes about like this

    Since it happened in downtown Nashville, of course everyone will jump to the conclusion it was BLM. After all, who else is there? And who attacks downtowns but the inner city folks who live there?

    Like the Reichstag fire, this will give America the big wake-up call about those dangerous BLMs & Antifa’s and give Dear Leader Trump the trigger he needs to declare marshall law, nullify the election, and become President for Life. Every law-abidin’ gun-totin Real American will rally around our President.

    It’s the perfect false flag op, and I {insert some MAGAt’s name} thought of it!!11! I’m soooo proud of myself!

The only way there is any non-zero chance of Trump declaring martial law is if there was a catastrophically huge (or possibly “yuuuuuge”) terrorist event, of the order of 9/11. This would be the “Reichstag fire” trigger that solidified Hitler’s hold on power.

I have no doubt that the Orange Peril would not hesitate for a second to stage such a false flag event. We should all be very thankful that he and his cronies are the embodiment of comical incompetence. There is no way in a million years they could pull it off. Imagine Trump, Rudy, and Sidney Powell trying, say, to set fire to the US Capitol. They’d trip over themselves, forget to bring matches, and end up stuck head-first in a sewer pipe and have to be extricated with hydraulic equipment.

This, except I don’t think either Donnie or his cronies have the balls to do it since failing would lead to a public hanging. Their incompetence is irrelevant if they don’t have the guys to even try.

They tried that with Portland and the Federal Courthouse. The public didnt buy it.

I commented in the ATMB thread, but I’ll also state here, I took your comment as being an insult directed at Sydney Powell and her “expert witness”, not at me.


Basic humane considerations – the same reason we’d pull out a squirrel with its head stuck in a drainpipe.

But if you leave them there, the squirrel won’t get stuck.

The problem for Trump is translating that into staying in power past January 20. Buchanan didn’t try to argue that he should remain President in 1861 and the country was facing a much larger crisis then.

In @Cervaise’s thread about horrible Xmas songs, he mentioned that his YouTube link didn’t behave properly, and I later noted that I was completely unable to load any YouTube videos yesterday. Yes, I get my internet service through AT&T. A friend I spoke to said he had heard speculation that the damage at that AT&T facility had disrupted AT&T services. If that’s true, it may have had nationwide effects. I am in California.

ETA to the above post: Cervaise and I have discussed this over in the Bad Xmas Music thread, just in the last few minutes, and we think we’ve resolved the issue. The fact remains that I was unable to load any YouTube videos yesterday and I get my internet service via AT&T, so the speculation remains (in my mind anyway) that the damage in Nashville might have something to do with it.

Buchanan spoke to Lincoln at the inauguration and said, “Sir, if you are happier taking this office than I am in leaving it, you are the happiest man in the country.”

Buchanan would no doubt be even happier to learn that he will no longer be known as the worst president ever.