See subject.
See subject.
You can keep it in the fridge as long as the fridge has an interior to keep it in. You’re probably wondering how long it would be safe to eat, and how long it would taste good. I don’t know an exact answer, but it’s a pretty good breeding ground for bacteria, some of which could be pretty bad for you even after being killed by boiling. It will probably get sour and rancid after a week or two depending on the temperature and how well it’s sealed up and air removed, and what kind of condition it was in when you put it in the fridge in the first place. There isn’t much I keep for more than a week anyway.
Freeze it.
I’ve kept it for around 10 days or so and not felt ill or seen any other effects, but I’d consider two weeks (from initial making/opening, not from re-boiling) the toss-it mark.
If it’s fresher than that and you think it’ll sit around for longer than that, I’d date and freeze it now as runner pat suggested. It’s a liquid (once it’s thawed :D) so it’s not like freezer burn is an issue, so I’m pretty sure you can keep it in the freezer indefinitely.
Thanks. My freezer is more crowded than a subway train at rush hour, and of course every package of insta-crap is as precious as gradma’s jewelry to my wife.
Using stealth destruction and through natural selection, I should pick up some precious square inches by the end of the week.
As it stands now half my intake (?) grill at the front bottom of the freezer is covered to catch the final 1/4 inches. That can’t be good for heat transfer.
Thanks again,
I just found some goose broth I made on Christmas day. (I intended it for gravy I never got around to making.) Today is Jan 12th. So…like 18 days. It looks and smells okay. I’m tempted to boil it up, add noodles, and call it lunch. But maybe that’s a bad idea.
need answers fast.
alternative – I also found some packaged ramen I could make.