Lately my computer has been making some REALLY bad noises, not your normal run-of-the-mill operation noises. I get two noises: One sounds like a fan is “clunking” sort of. It makes a “Hng” type noise about once a second, pretty much all the time unless I whap the case real hard. In that case, it stops for a while. Anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
The other noise sounds much worse. It sounds like the fan is dying, kind of like a high-pitched “whr” with a subtext of “gnh” in the background.
I replaced both my power-supply and CPU fan, and the noise still exists, I unpligged my casefans, and it is still there, leaving it to pretty much be the video card fan. If it’s not that, then I really have no idea. I’m 90% sure it is the video card, since it seems to come from there. My question: To make me 100% sure it is my vid. card, how long can I run my PC with the fan on it’s chipset unplugged? I wouldn’t be doing anything that needed graphics processing power, it would just be on the Windows desktop.
Would I fry the chipset in a matter of seconds? Or can it last long enough to confrom my suspicions?
In my quest for a silent PC I have been running an early Radeon 7000 (IIRC) with the fan disconnected for several months now. No problems. However, maybe your GFX card is more powerful / runs hotter?
You should be able to run your PC for a minute or two at least without causing any major damage. Especially if the case is open, which I assume it would be for your purposes.
Anywhere from seconds to forever. If you disconnect the videocard fan and get crashes or graphical anomalies, thats a fairly good bet that the card needs a fan to avoid damage. It shouldn’t be hurt just from a single test, assuming there’s good airflow over it and the heatsink remains attached.
OK, I think I’ll position one of my case fans to blow some hot over it when I disconnect it, and hopefully that will be enough. Now I just have to wait for it to start making the noise again…
It should be noted that your PC will not necessarily run cooler with the case open. Many machines, especially servers, are designed with fairly particular airflow paths, and opening the case can disrupt those and even reduce the cooling of some components.
My local CompUSA has a relacement fan for around $5, but I want to makle sure that is the problem first. Darn thing still hasn’t made the bad noise yet…
What you could do is remove the whole video card, and power on the machine. You can keep it on indefinitely on as you would run your computer, except without a video display. You can also remove the hard drive so you can directly shut down the PC without messing up your OS. If no sound, then you can be sure its the video card.