How long should a safety rope be when travelling through a time portal?

All I know is it needs to made of hemp.

Trust me.

In that case, its gonna have to be 497 and a half feet.

Everyone seems to be treating the question as a joke, but time travel and wormholes often seem to be discussed together Wormhole - Wikipedia.

In reading that description, it seems like asking how long a rope the traveler would need is a reasonable question. He enters in 2012 and exits at 2004. What would happen if he had a rope tied to him as he went through the wormhole?

Worth every second. And seriously, if you don’t have 13 minutes to waste, why the hell are here?

It seems like before you throw it, it would hit you, (in the face) and you would have two of them.

If you could then, not throw it, you would double your stuff. So you should throw money.

Okay, lessee… we got the velocity in the direction you threw the rope, which is going back in time so we got the rotation of the earth during that time, the revolution of the earth, the movement of the whole solar system, the way this arm of the galaxy is swinging, the movement of the galaxy itself, the cluster and the supercluster, factor for the expansion of space itself, carry the three…

I’ve run this 169 times, and every time I do the answer is the same: Dave Lister shows up angry, tells me to keep the smegging toaster or not but he doesn’t want it, and then he headbutts me and I lose consciousness.

Do your own homework from now on.

OMG, that is awesome. Thank you for posting that link! I’ve watched/listened to that a few times since last Thursday; the song is a fantastic piece of work by itself, but the picture show really brings it to life!