How many children has Michael J. Fox killed?

What would we do, baby?
Without us
What would we do, baby?
Without us
And there ain’t no nothing we can’t love each other thru
What would we do, baby?

Buncha wimps. Why, when I was a kid, we didn’t use shoes. Or nails. Just Crazy Glue and Nair.


Thanks Bryan, I am laughing so hard I’m crying!


No, no, no. Christopher Reeve eats babies. Michael J. Fox just sticks his feet up their bums and uses them as ski boots. Totally different.

You guys think that stuff’s bad, because of MJF, I travelled back in time once and nearly slept with my mother because of him.


Bodies? You had bodies?

Hell, when I was a kid we didn’t have bodies, we had surf on one another’s auras. Oh, and there weren’t any cars, either. We had to catch a solar flare and ride that to the outer reaches of the solar system. There weren’t any planets yet back then either, so our auras were always getting hole in them from all the pre-planet-formation debris floating around in space…


When I was a lad, we were disembodied intelligences created half an hour before the primordial monobloc expanded, creating the universe in the Big Bang. We didn’t get to have these newfangled hadrons, no we had to settle for white-hot plasma and we LIKED it.

3, during the “mad bomber” campaign he tried to do to get out of filming “Light Of Day”. (8 adults, 2 parakeets, and one Rottweiler also fell victim.)

I must be missing something, this isn’t about masterbation? I saw Pee Wee Herman mentioned…but…no…ok, my error.

Monobloc expansions?! Man, when I was a tyke, we grabbed straws and sucked primordial oooze for nourisment(from any planet we could find). Do you have any IDEA how hard it was to suck thru a straw…without extremities!!! And, we liked it!

You deserve it, watching that crap.

Now, Opie took the first punch, but then he WAILED into his bully. Beat him up real good.

Ahhh, those were the days.

Straws? You had straws? When I was a kid we had to ladle the primordial ooze into our mouths with our hands! Do you have any idea how hard it is to hold ooze when you’re incorporeal? We worked damn hard to ladle our ooze into our nonexistent mouths with our intangible hands and we liked it!

…grumble…grumble…kids today…with their solid, matter-based bodies…

That’s because their dads were all brain-damaged from hitting each other in the back of the head with a shovel after watching the 3 Stooges.

It all started when some Greek kid poked his eyes out after seeing Oedipus Rex.

How many people never learn to spell that word correctly? And it’s all Seinfeld’s fault!

When I was in elementary school, long before (well not that long before) Back To The Future came out, the school gathered us all into the auditorium and showed us this nice little documentary about how hitching on the back of the bus was something we shouldn’t do (this actually was a really big problem in the Bronx back in the '70s).

There were all these still shots of kids with big and very painful looking tire marks across various parts of their bodies. Oh, and a few kids with missing fingers and limbs. And then they served us lunch.

David Naughton, is that you?

I loved you in An American Werewolf in London! :cool:

And how come in An American Werewolf in London, David’s friend Jack is only torn up when he first appears as a ghost and then decomposes over his subsequent appearances? David was supposed to have been in a coma for weeks, so wouldn’t Jack have already decomposed by the time of his first appearance?


What about the Pepsi Commercial where he risks life and limb - in traffic - in the rain - just so he can get a Diet Pepsi for his sexy new neighbor?
Then again she was rather nice especially with her roommate “Danny”.
Hmmm on second thought … never mind.