The OP says it all…
I certainly am not… where would one go to take the test, and isn’t there a membership fee?
The membership fee is about 50 USD per annum. You can take the test at any of your local testing centres - contact your local mensa for details…
The fee IS the test. They figure if you’re dumb enough to pay it, you can’t be a member.
raises hand Boston Mensa .
Board member 01-03.
ChaoticDonkey - the fee is $30. USD.
Here is a link for test sites around the country.
Antiquarian - I might know you. email me about last October 16th, Applecart Colloquium…
Former Mensa BTW for the OP.
I’m not, but I was invited to join not long after I took my GRE. At the time they had some sort of policy where you could join based on your GRE results. Or maybe I still would have had to take a test from them. It was a long time ago and I don’t remember for sure.
Yep, member of Mensa Switzerland here.
Used to be DC Mensa, but I saw no point in paying $45/year when I can hang with you guys for free.
Same reason here gobear. Why pay a fee. though I dropped out long before I discovered the SDMB. thanks for the weightlifting advice BTW.
Nope but I’ve been told I’m a real menso.
Like Spectre of Pithecanthropus, I also qualified for MENSA based on my GRE scores. (This was 10-15 years ago … maybe they have changed this policy.)
Anyway, when a Mensan co-worker found out about my eligibility (I swear I wasn’t bragging!), she invited me to a meeting.
Very boring.
Didn’t join.
Ah, but that’s 2% of the general population. The Doper population is heavily skewed toward the brainy, so I would suspect that a larger percentage of Dopers would qualify.
I was invited. No thanks. Why would I pay actual money to spend time with people who, IMO, tend to be self-righteous, holier-than-thou elitists?
I do that in my own circle for free
Free? You guys get to be here for free? I’ve beed dashing off checks to the Reader all this time.
The Reader?!?!?!? Dammit, dan, I told you, it’s twickster, c/o General Delivery…
Ah, now that you mensan it…
This is why I get so little respect here! My checks have not reached their intended destination!
A girl that I used to date is in the club and says that I should test in too, but I just don’t see the point of it. Paying to hang out with potentially boring people you haven’t met? I’d need a better reason.
My kid just got his acceptance letter in the mail today. He qualified off of his IQ score. I singed him because I thought it was a cool thing for a 10 year old to belong to, and parental bragging rights and such.
If I could ever find my IQ test, I would probably join myself, but I doubt that I would go take the their test or anything.