How many Dopers are Mensans?

The OP says it all…

I certainly am not… where would one go to take the test, and isn’t there a membership fee?

The membership fee is about 50 USD per annum. You can take the test at any of your local testing centres - contact your local mensa for details…

The fee IS the test. They figure if you’re dumb enough to pay it, you can’t be a member. :wink:

raises hand Boston Mensa .

Board member 01-03.

ChaoticDonkey - the fee is $30. USD.

Here is a link for test sites around the country.

Antiquarian - I might know you. email me about last October 16th, Applecart Colloquium…

Former Mensa BTW for the OP.

I’m not, but I was invited to join not long after I took my GRE. At the time they had some sort of policy where you could join based on your GRE results. Or maybe I still would have had to take a test from them. It was a long time ago and I don’t remember for sure.

Yep, member of Mensa Switzerland here.

Used to be DC Mensa, but I saw no point in paying $45/year when I can hang with you guys for free.

Same reason here gobear. Why pay a fee. though I dropped out long before I discovered the SDMB. thanks for the weightlifting advice BTW.

Nope but I’ve been told I’m a real menso. :confused:

Like Spectre of Pithecanthropus, I also qualified for MENSA based on my GRE scores. (This was 10-15 years ago … maybe they have changed this policy.)

Anyway, when a Mensan co-worker found out about my eligibility (I swear I wasn’t bragging!), she invited me to a meeting.

Very boring.

Didn’t join.

Ah, but that’s 2% of the general population. The Doper population is heavily skewed toward the brainy, so I would suspect that a larger percentage of Dopers would qualify.

I was invited. No thanks. Why would I pay actual money to spend time with people who, IMO, tend to be self-righteous, holier-than-thou elitists?

I do that in my own circle for free :slight_smile:

Free? You guys get to be here for free? I’ve beed dashing off checks to the Reader all this time.

The Reader?!?!?!? Dammit, dan, I told you, it’s twickster, c/o General Delivery…

Ah, now that you mensan it…

This is why I get so little respect here! My checks have not reached their intended destination!

A girl that I used to date is in the club and says that I should test in too, but I just don’t see the point of it. Paying to hang out with potentially boring people you haven’t met? I’d need a better reason.

My kid just got his acceptance letter in the mail today. He qualified off of his IQ score. I singed him because I thought it was a cool thing for a 10 year old to belong to, and parental bragging rights and such.

If I could ever find my IQ test, I would probably join myself, but I doubt that I would go take the their test or anything.