How Many Election Lawsuits Have Been Filed By Trump?

And how many have failed/been dismissed?

Sorry, Google is giving me mixed results.

Just a pre-emptive reminder that this is GQ. The OP asks a factual question (two factual questions, actually), and deserves factual answers. There are plenty of other threads in Politics, GD, and the Pit to share non-factual thoughts on this topic.

Last I heard, he has filed 36 lawsuits and 23 have been dismissed (as of Sunday morning).

CNN today said 30 had been dismissed but did not give an overall total filed.

Strictly speaking, I don’t think Trump himself (or lawyers acting directly for him) have filed any. His campaign organization, a distinct legal entity, has filed some. And other entities, acting as surrogates of sorts, have filed some (like the Republican Parties of various States). And some individual voters have filed a few, or at least signed on as co-plaintiffs.

It’s not clear (to me) exactly which of those suits might have been lawyered by Trump’s lawyers. For example, that big suit before Judge Brann, where Giuliani put on his less-than-professional show: Who exactly was the plaintiff(s) there, and who exactly was Giuliani working for?

Giuliani is Trump’s personal lawyer, that much I know.

According to the decision here, the plaintiffs were “Donald J Trump for President, Inc, et al”. On page 10 you can read that Rudy joined two other lawyers on Nov 17 and represented the plaintiffs that day.

The missing question is: how many of these have been successful? Last I read, the answer was 2.

I think the latest tally I heard was that three had been filed under the direct aegis of DJT/by people working for, paid by, and or reporting to Him, and that some 27-28 others by local groups aligned with the President.

Got any links for those two?

I guess I needed to be more specific: Title should have been written
“How Many Lawsuits Have Been Won or Lost In The Effort To Overturn or Subvert The 2020 Presidential Election?”

According to NBC, there have been 36 lawsuits, including a handful brought by Republicans in general, but not the Trump team. Out of the 36, 25 have been denied, dismissed, withdrawn, or settled. Trump has won one (in Pennsylvania) and the others are pending.

Excellent. Thank you.

He was reported to have won 2 of those cases, but the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has since overturned one of those. Both of those cases were penny-ante cases that would not have affected a whole lot of ballots anyway, AIUI.

Latest count from Washington Post, Nov. 24:

Trump’s dam finally breaks. But we cannot go through this again. by Jennifer Rubin, Nov. 24, 2020:

I saw a fairly in-depth explanation of one lawsuit in Pennsylvania. It was brought by two mail-in ballot voters, and the Trump campaign tried to join as an affected party. (It failed).

Essentially two voters in Hannover and Fayette counties sued over the fact their mail-in ballots were denied for being incomplete. The law did not say whether ballots could be “cured” - errors like missing envelopes and signatures corrected. The state said it was up to the counties. The counties where the two voters voted did not allow “curing” so their ballots were rejected.

They then sued all the counties who did allow curing (NOT the counties they voted in), and for good measure, the Pennsylvania government, under the :“equal protection” clause, with the logic that since their ballots were rejected, ballots in any county that allowed curing should also be rejected. The Trump campaign tried to join the case under the precedent of a old Birther case that held that a candidate in an election had an interest, and therefore standing, in a case that related to the election they participated in.

I think the judgement went like this - First, the judge ruled the voters did not have standing. They could not sue counties they did not vote in. Equal protection was served because all counties had the same option to allow curing, so whether they did or not did not reflect on the counties that did, nor the state for allowing it. Finally, the requested remedy - throw out the election results - was far too much for the damage the two voters claimed to have suffered.

(It should be noted that allegedly those two counties were Republican leaning so disallowed curing, allegedly, in an attempt to cancel Democratic votes.)

Someone described this as if - your car warranty was only for 4 years and you had to pay for major repairs after 5 years; so instead of suing your car maker, you sued all other car makers with longer warranties to have their warranties voided so those car owners would be equal with you. And for good measure, sue the automobile manufacturers’ association for recommending long warranties.

This very case, of course, is that major PA case that Judge Brann vehemently dismissed recently, which we have been much discussing over there in Politics&Elections.