How many have had "the school dream"?

Another variation I sometimes have is that I make it to class, but then the teacher/professor announces that the exam will be held in a different room. As everyone gets up to leave, something causes me to get stuck or delayed, and when I get out into the hall, everyone’s gone and I have no idea where they went.

I guess this and my other dream (not getting to class on time) indicate that I’m not so stressed about my overall competence, but about some small detail I can’t control ruining everything.

Not any more, but certainly did in the past.
I also had the I’m at School and I’m Naked (or in Underwear) dreams.

Considering I score written tests (standardized) a few months a year, it’s probably not too surprising that I’ve had “the school dream” more than a few times :slight_smile:

I had one version of it just last week: I show up to my Spanish class (I last had that class in 95’ btw) and learn that I’m supposed to be taking a written exam. Which I had no idea was coming up. For some reason it’s an exam in English, and we’re supposed to write about what animal we were getting to class, metaphorically speaking. I think. I start writing a brilliant essay about how I picture myself being a rabbit on the way to class, but there’s something wrong- my handwriting is horrible! The harder I try to be neat, the worse it looks. Just before I wake up I realize what the problem is: there’s something wrong with my left hand (sling on that arm maybe?) so I’m writing with my right. That explains it!

Yes, yes, yes! This is one of my most common reoccurring dreams. I hate the feeling…

(high school here)

I’ve never had that dream, or the one where you’re naked in class, or the one where you’re suddenly inexplicably lost…

but I did have a dream once where I was taking an incredibly easy quiz (“what is 1+1?”) and fell through my desk. Literally, fell through it. Weird.

And another dream was where I dreamt my English teacher led a revolution of the students against the teachers and we locked them all up in the Freshman History trailer and the English teacher was selling gaudy Mardi Gras necklaces from a booth next to the trailer.

So no, I don’t have the normal school dreams, of course, just the really weird ones. sigh

I usually have dreams where I either don’t know what class to go to or I don’t have any of my homework (important homework) done when I get there.

I usually have this at least once every two weeks. I’ve been out of college for almost a year.

Yes, but my school dreams are ususally where I am supposed to be in a certain room and I cannot find the room (in fact, sometimes there IS no room where its supposed to be).
I hate these dreams.

I often dream that I didn’t really earn my degrees, and that I have to go back to take classes to finish. Sometimes I even have to go back to ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! There are two variations:

If I have to go back to elementary school or high school, then I also don’t know what my schedule is or where I am supposed to be.

If I am supposed to be going back to college, then I am assigned to live in an undesirable dormitory.

I had the college version last night. I was assigned to share a dorm room that used to be a locker room connected to a map storage room. My roomate was a nerdy guy. Fortunately, my husband and child were allowed to stay in the dorm with me. Weird.

The one thing I can never understand about the school dream is why I am so worried. IRL, if I had not gone to class all semester I would have just not taken the test and either tried to get a W or taken the F.

I have had the “standard variety” many times. Last night I had a new one, the teacher’s variety, I guess: I was at school and it was spring break (which it is) but it turns out it was only spring break for the teachers, and i still had to put sub plans together. So for the whole dream I was running around like crazy trying to put sub plans together before the kids got there, bitter and angry that my precious spring break was going to be spent franitcally coming up wiht things to keep the kids busy. Thorughout the dream I was ocnstantly looking for paper to write sub plans on and couldn’t find it, or if I did find it, I couldn’t find a pen, or the pen and the paper would be the same color , and so on and so forht. It was one of the most frustrating dreams I ever had.

Actually, if you don’t show up for class (not one single class) all semester, you have an easy way to get that class completely off of your transcript, at least at the university I went to. You can claim you never registered for the class, and have the prof fill out a short form saying he never saw you all semester. I saw someone do this once after grades had already come out, and she said it would completely wipe the class from her record. The procedure is mostly in place to deal with the registrar’s mistakes, and the reverse can be done to rectify the opposite nightmare (which is what I was always scared of) of taking a class all semester and then finding out you’re not registered for it.

Still have the dream. And I’ve been out of school since 1986, when I completed the 23rd grade.

I’ve lived the school dream. One year when I was in college, a friend came up to me in the hallway and told me that Dr. So-and-so was rather annoyed that I had never shown up for class (it was a small college where such behavior was actually quite unusual) and that, if I didn’t turn up for the midtem exam scheduled for the next day, she was going to give me an “F” for the semester.
As it happened, I had made arrangements with the Dept chair to get credit for that class based on work experience and the chair had forgotten to pass the word on to the professor.

Now, on the other hand, I am currently a college prof. and have a recurring dream in which I know I have been assigned to teach a class and can’t remember when and where the class is scheduled, so I keep arriving in different classrooms just as the last student is leaving with a disgusted “You blew it, again” look.

I had that dream a lot during school, especially around finals. The worst one I ever had was that I woke up in the middle of the night, convinced that I had missed a final exam. I had to go through my class schedule to confirm that I indeed hadn’t missed the exam because I wasn’t actually taking that class. The dream was so real I couldn’t convince myself that I wasn’t in that class until I saw proof on paper.

Those dreams pop up when I’m under s great deal of stress. Since graduating, I’ve only had it recur once, and that was a few years ago. My main “high stress” dream is, and always has been, associated with drowning. I’m walking along a beach, or more commonly, a flooded river, when the waters rise and I’m swept away. They scare the hell out of me. I was having the beach variation so often in my senior year of college that I phoned my dad and asked if I had ever nearly drowned at the beach (answer: no). Now that I live in an area surrounded by levees, I may wake up one morning and find it’s not a dream. :eek:

My dad was the one who put me onto the thought that the drowning dreams are associated with stress levels, and he’s right. They only occur when I’m under a lot of pressure.


This was a new twist on the School Dream for me: I’m a high school teacher, and last year I dreamt that the day of our final rolled around and I was totally unprepared. The kids and proctors were all in their classrooms, waiting, and not only hadn’t I copied the exams, I hadn’t even looked at them! I had no idea what the test was even about. Very stressful.

I guess this proves that school itself is stressful, and kids aren’t the only ones who get all worried around finals time.

Oh man, I get that one too!

It really happened to me. I’d meant to drop the class, but with 4 weeks to do so I put it off and forgot.

Imagine the surprize when it showed up on my computer-printed exam schedule.

Mm. Had the dream, not even in college yet. :frowning:

Last year - bio final. Our school does finals as blocks (1 1/2 hours) on the last 3 days of school: you come in for your exam (1st, 2nd, or 3rd), take it, go home. They distribute a nifty li’l packet with the schedules for all exams to all the students. I promptly lost this packet. Bio teacher tells us that our final is, say, day 2 of finals, 2nd period. Great. Note: I was in a pre-IB class, which was ranked as Honors level, but wasn’t the regular H class.
Day 2 of exams. I’m up fairly early, review my notes, great, I’m totally ready for the exam, visions of A’s dance in my head and all. Get online. I’m chatting with a friend online (then, a senior), and ask him if he has a copy of the exam schedule - I’m not positive what room it’s in. “Hey, you’re in Bio H, it says it was first period today”. “No, I’m in MYP bio.” “Yeah, it says Bio H/MYP, 1st pd.”

Oh, crap. I call the school - they have the same thing written down, but I’m sure the teacher said 2nd period. I wait, the most excruciating wait of my life. Haul ass up to school as soon as I can, head straight to the room that was printed in the booklet. No one there. Kay, I sorta remembered to breathe.

HEad to our normal class room. No one there. My reaction: Ooooh, shiiiiit. I just missed a final.

Luckily, I had the common sense to check the rest of the bio rooms - we were right next door. Got a 98 on the exam, though - maybe the stress did pay off. But yeah, that’s been the source of many a nightmare.

Count me as another who has the “forgot I signed up for the class, haven’t gone all semester, it’s too late to drop it, and it’s freakin’ calculus” dream. I always figured it was because I had cut a few classes in college. If I’d known I’d be having this dream 15 years later I never would have missed a minute!

Another frequent dream is that I’m back in high school for some reason. I don’t remember what my schedule is, what classes I’m taking, or where my locker is. I go into the office to try and figure out where I’m supposed to be (and the fact that it’s the middle of the semester has me horribly embarassed) but no one is there. So I end up wandering helplessly through the halls.

Yet another goodie is the dream where I’ve gone back to school for some advanced degree and suddenly realise that I’ve forgotten to quit my job. Not only did I forget to quit, I never told anyone I was leaving, or even called in sick. And it’s been several months. I suddenly realize that I’ll never be able to get a reference and any future career is toast!

And yes, I’ve had the dream where I’m suddenly on stage and I have no memory of ever learning lines or even know what we’re performing. Of course, I take that dream one step further and am suddenly the only pilot in the cockpit of a commercial plane but I have no recollection of ever learning to fly!

Boy is it nice to wake up after one of those dreams!

Yeah, the test anxiety never goes away… even decades later, such nightmares come out from my anxiety closet…along with Bill The Cat, that is! :wink: …And, then there’s the day I came to class naked! (I thought Math Class was a little breezy that day!) …Or, did I dream it? Not sure!

Hey, has anyone seen my pants?

  • Jinx :smiley: